Happy 4th in an exceptional and glorious Nation!

Started by Vance G, July 04, 2014, 12:50:04 PM

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Vance G

Those of you who received and education undoubtedly already know that America is the exception because it was formed stating that men received their freedom from their creator not from sufferance of the Soverign.  The first ever with that founding statement and what a beacon to world we were and are thruout the world.  It is just those trained to hate her who spout the garbage King Barry of the bathhouse does.

We currently bearing his yoke are not suffering nearly as bad as the hungry frozen men with bloody rag encased feet who attacked tyranny at liberties lowest ebb.  Be of good cheer and celebrate our many heroes living and dead.   Liberty is indeed under attack but we have come back from worse and will again.  Vance



The people of this country have to wake up and take it back at the poles.
Not sure it can happen with the electronic balloting we have now that can be programmed to report any outcome they want it to.
As we have seen, the king has suppressed grass roots groups by using the IRS to stop them from organizing.
Every electronic media is monitored by the government.
It will be tough to turn around.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin
