After 7 months of a HULU+ member - I am amazed at the great shows we've seen

Started by beemaster, August 12, 2014, 06:25:37 PM

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I have a few suggestions on shows to check out - other services may also carry these.Some only made it a season or two, others hung out for 6 or more seasons and I never heard of them. Many are detective shows and some comedies, but all worthy of checking out.

MOTIVE - the only show I know off who shows you in the beginning, two diverse people living different as can be lives and at the end of the opening scenes they print on the screen "Victim" and "Killer" after being introduced to them. The story lines and the detectives are all very good.

VEXED - a British short run (9 episodes) detective show with a male/female detective team that often enters the work world of the victim to learn of those who could be the killers.

HUSTLE - similar to Leverage except these grifters aren't stealing from the rich to give to the poor, they pocket from their cons. Smart story lines and very good characters, long run series.

QUICKDRAW - set place in the old US West, this seemingly improve group of towns-folk and their Harvard educated Sheriff have incredibly fun plots in a light hearted show, now in season two.

10 Items or less - starring the sheriff and mortician from Quickdraw, this earlier made show takes place in a family owned supermarket and their competition store across the street. Same off the cuff improv style makes this another fun show - it ran a few full seasons.

CRISIS - when the President's son and the elite children of Washington (and the power players from the world) suddenly have their kids stolen from a highly protected field trip - all the powers of the government come out to rescue these young hostages.

WAKING THE DEAD - this is a COLD CASE type show likely what Cold Case spun from - with deep intriguing stories, you will have you dective skills tested every episode.

WHITECHAPEL - follow a modern day Jack the Ripper as detectives try to find this elusive killer(s) a full three seasons.

PARADOX - sadly too short, this show has what could be Alien assistance sent to a high tech lab (usually in the form of photos) which a small specialist team often has only hours to figure out and prevent murders and mayhem from occurring. Only a handful off episodes, and just when you start to figure when digital photos, just glimpses and hints of incidents to come are coming from the series ends - sad, but worth a watch.

ZEN - a smart detective show, again British of an out-of -the-box thinker who is rough around the edges but breaks cases that are tough.

THE BRIDGE - this American made show, based on a foreign show showcases a bridge from US to Mexico and the detectives who co-operate to solve murders that fall into the short span between the two countries. Often bogged down with jurisdiction issues, getting the killers out-weighs dealing with the paperwork and politics.

INJUSTICE - with the bad guy from THE FOLLOWING starring as the detective who breaks the rules but gets the bad guy, this is a powerfully written show that is a good hour of TV.

Hope you check some/all these out - some very captivating watching here.

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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Vance G

How much is this service per month and can I put it on a kindle?   Not really into murder mysteries and detectives,  are there a wide selection of shows?  Documentaries?


The really good thing about HULU is that it is free for the basic service - which has most all the same programming except there are more commercials and new shows "air"  days after the regular TV airing, where the paid service ($7.95 a month I believe) also has commercials on TV shows, but not movies or children programming and new episodes typically air the day after airing on TV. Supposedly you see LESS commercials with TV shows as a paid member, but you still get plenty, trust me.

Their selection goes way beyond detective shows, I just listed mostly them because that's what we happen to be watching now - they have a great selection of all genres, except that often you may NOT have all the episodes there, sometimes the entire first season will be missing.

I do like it, and my wife enjoys off-beat British, Aussie, etc., shows - and there are plenty. So if you have a gaming console or your PC is connected to your TV via HDMI, or your HDTV has various channels and services built-in, likely you can connect up to HULU easily - although the free programming option is usually a "connect via your computer" only option.

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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Thanks for posting this, John.  I thought that all of HULU was paid programming.  I'll have to crank up the BluRay player and check it out.  I have the player connect via wifi and a lowly 1.5mb DSL connection.  Youtube does great, but some streaming stuff is just too much for that connection speed. :(  I'll check it out, though, and see "what gives".

American blood spilled to protect the freedom and peace of people all over the world.  320,000 USA casualties in WWI, 1,076,000 USA casualties in WWII, 128,000 USA casualties in the Korean War, 211,000 casualties in the Vietnam "conflict", 57,000 USA casualties in "War on Terror".  Benghazi, Libya, 13 USA casualties. These figures don't include 70,000 MIA.  But, the leaders of one political party of the United States of America continue to make the statement..."What difference does it make?".

"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism."..."The press is our chief ideological weapon." - Nikita Khrushchev

"Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they wont come to yours." - Yogi Berra


I know I had some issues once getting to the "free  homepage" of course they want you to go for the paid service - I was surprised when I first realized that you had commercials with the paid version, but they tell you it is to off quality programming at a price that is competitive to other services. Hulu has a lot of content made by them "HULU ORIGINALS" just like HOUSE OF CARDS with Kevin Spacey is an original NetFlix program. I think they screwed up thugh this season with House of Cards: the idea is to make a series and release it over a period of time (typically 1 show per week) but NetFlix released ALL episodes at one time, so we watched all of them over one weekend instead of 3 months. I have several alternative sites to find most any content and getting House of Cards was easy.

I hope some of you try the different listed shows I wrote about, very good story writing for the most part.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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