K Wing ?

Started by Rich V, March 10, 2006, 07:11:11 PM

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Rich V

Today here in the Midwest it was almost 60 degrees. Last week it was in the teens,and next week it is expected to drop back down again into the 30s. I took the opportunity to look inside one of my hives. What I found was many dead bees. I don't know how many is normal,but I had a shovel full. Some were still inside the comb like they starved to death,but most were at the bottom of the hive. Many of the combs were opened and the honey( looked more like syurp then honey) was dripping out. I also found a small number of mites on the bottom board. I looked at many  of the live bee, but found no mites on them. What concerns me is the low poupulation of bees now in the hive. Also some,but not many seen to holding one wing lower then the other. Is this K Wing ? If so, can I treat it this early in the year,and how do I treat it?


Hmm...Dead bees are expected, but i don't know about that many. Also, I would put a hive top feeder in before the temperature drops back down. Don't know about K Wing. Doubt it however.


Bees have four wings. K-wing means the lower wing is no longer hooked to the top wing. The top wings stick out to the sides and the lower wings sort of stay where they are at. The wings form a K there fore K-wing
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Rich V

Does anyone have a picture of a bee with K wing?


Quote from: Rich VDoes anyone have a picture of a bee with K wing?

This my first time when I  meet bee syndroma K-WING.  But those in pictures, they are just dead  :roll:

The reason:

too much moisture
too much uncapped honey and it has fermented --> kills hive
thracheal mite

Rich V

I saw some bee today that have K Wing. I know now that my bees do not have K Wing. If the honey fermented is there a way to tell? If it has fermentd can I still feed it to the bees?


"To bee or not to bee"