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Started by beemaster, December 27, 2014, 05:39:29 PM

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I would be upset about cheating.  What I am seeing from my side, though, is just normal stuff that happens every single election due to the amount of people it takes to run and election.  I have not bought into the theory That tons of people were involved in several states for biden.  Something like that could not be hid so well due to human nature being what it is.  There would always be somebody who folded and could give enough info to prove it.  I think it was a fair election with normal election hiccups.   I think it is absolutely treasonous for trump to say cheating did happen with no convincing truth.  I would for give this if he was saying I believe there is fraud and am looking to find proof of that but that is not what he is saying.  He told us what he was going to do before the election even happened.  Things like trump university and his charity make me believe the worst of his intentions.

I also could not stand him back in the 90s.  I am not the come out on top no matter who you hurt type of guy.  The parties will always pick the fringe candidate cause you got to get nominated for the chance to run.

My political view used to be keep it evenly divided so nobody could do anything.  What I found in real life is that when divided, the one or two things I actually like of each side was not what got done but the worst things still seemed to.  My brother says I am a libertarian but I believe I have too many social views to make this true and am probably a democrat that thinks some platform views are just bad.   I do not go out of my way to follow rules/laws or break rules/laws but trust my own moral conscience and try to do no harm to others.

Due to the money involved, I think most that make it to president are probably already flawed or they would not get said money to give them a chance.   These are my choices for my one vote and I will be honest, better them than me cause I would not take the job.  I always said that I would rather be rich than famous and would not want to be rich if I had to be famous also which is where I am in life.

I am disappointed lots of times with outcomes but mostly get by just fine cause I do what I want anyway.

I move to a county with the least restrictions and concentrate on making enough money to stay there and to pay a lawyer if anyone ever does care what I do (hasn't happened yet) and don't worry that much.   I like the social programs cause my grandpa died while grandma still had seven young kids at home and she would not have survived with out those programs at that time and did not survive well with them.

My father did better that his parents and I did almost as good as my dad but I don't really trust that for my grand kids right now.  I loved the 70s where I lived cause nobody spent all their time worrying about the other guy but at the time I returned from the army in 83, things had changes where I live quite a bit already by then.

I pay more attention now then I used to and I have always voted but I don't care enough to do much more then call balls and fouls as I see them.  That is why I don't spend as much time on here as I used to cause I only have these energetic burst here and there and the need for bee help is not nearly as strong as it was a few years ago.  I enjoy this once in a while but only when bored of my normal routine.  You need not worry too much about my needling of you cause I tire fast and will fade back into the background pretty soon.  I guess I should thank you for keeping me energized for a bit.

Ben Framed

Yes it seems we differ on WHO is cheating. As I stated earlier I did not like Mr Trump the showman. I do like Mr Trump the  President. I believe he was intent on making good his promise, I will make you the best President. You will be so proud. He EARNED my respect as Commander In Chief when the Las Vegas massacre occurred. Within two weeks he was on his way to Saudi Arabia. When he left Saudi Arabia, Several of those Royal Prince were arrested and over 800 billion dollars of their assets were seized. That was the beginning of the end of Isis. But at the same time is when I noticed censorship  beginning of private platforms such as YouTube. Our president did not come straight home if you will recall, he made a world tour and laid out the way Molly hid the peaches. He in no uncertain terms made clear to the world that he was representing America and America first and foremost. He has done an excellent job as president. He has earned my respect daily from that point forward. Yes, there are things I do not understand referring to mistakes he has made. The lack of Draining the swamp is the first mistake in my opinion instead of putting people like Rex Tillerson in his inner circle. Along with this vaccine push which in my opinion may be a massive mistake. These are my opinions. Has he saved the best for last? Perhaps everything is lined up where he can finally drain the swamp to the bottom? I realize that is really reaching but there are things that you and I do not know that he And his few loyal patriots do know. This is bigger than you or I and I will confess I do not know. We shall see.


Quote from: gww on December 13, 2020, 12:22:10 AM
Things like trump university and his charity make me believe the worst of his intentions.
It certainly isn't his worst but it definitely defines his character.
It saddens me to realize that so many Americans tapped into his selfish nature.  Equally astonishing that most of them are older.  The parents of the "Me" generation.  I guess I know now where these kids learned it from.  They call themselves Christians but totally forgot or fail to practice that it is better to give then receive.
Under the Trump administration the swamp has grown by leaps and bounds to the point where there is no fixing it.  All the shenanigans that he has pulled will be duplicated from here on in no matter what party is in power.  I think of the irony that the judges that Trump installed may turn out to be the resounding key that saved this country from the Trump swamp.  Time will tell if future rulings will favor the rights of the people or the hypocritical Christians.
I may be lucky enough to witness 5 more election cycles.  Luck might be a bad choice of words.
Brian Cardinal
Just do it

Ben Framed

I suppose you might be referring to Nick Sandmann one of the Christian kids off on a once in a lifetime exciting and adventurous tour of Washington DC a trip which was intended on building wonderful memories with he and his and fellow classmates that would last a lifetime but instead was singled out by a leftist hero because he was wearing a make America Great again hat. Which was PROVEN to have been singled out by your lying leftest.  And scorned by your leftest media. How did that work out Ace?

Or could you instead be totally confusing Christian kids with socialists kids, talking of the youth who has been burning cities, tearing down statues, screaming to the top of their voices, regaining terror in their paths, destroy property both public and private, cussing using the most filthy language imaginable, beating innocent bystanders, usually the old and helpless. Even MURDER. You have it backward once again. I agree some parents went wrong in this country, by teaching their kids to grow up to be Liars and false accusers. Know anyone like that Ace?


Yes ben
We have a very different view.  I looked at his giving names for mbc to get rich off of and then covering mbc.s but when he killed a journalist that was living in america.   I remember the arms sell starting out at creating 40,000 jobs but at the end claiming it would create millions of jobs.  How could anyone trust somebody using so much hyperbole in real time.   I still can't wait to see his taxes and see if there is any connection.  I did not like many of his promises or the people around him.  Never seen so many scandals from so many people he appointed grafting.
I did not like his promises to begin with.   Building the wall seemed like pure waste for a guy living in Mo and the scamming around it by those close to trump just adds to that.  To me, 90 percent of his motive for doing things seemed to be based on hate for obama and not motivated based on right for the people.  I did not hate every thing he did but do not even trust him there.  I see a place for tariffs but then see his daughter getting a bunch of patents from china and know I may not really know what is going on.  There was one other pet peeve I had that most politicians fall short on and that is the hypocrisy the have.  Small thing but like going after Hillary for personal cell phone use and then his daughter using her personal phone and playing dumb about it.

So politically, we have very different views.  However, I lived with it when trump got the most votes till my nest chance to vote.  Now the vote is in and the populace has spoken and trump needs to go till next vote.

Trump really says nothing most of the time because of the way he communicates.  He says no, and if yes, it would still be ok.  To me, he puts off that his followers are to dumb to know what he is saying and he may be right cause most seem to like him regardless.

The texas supreme court case show the scam of believing in constitution on states rights and the
emoluments clause must not be the important part of the constitution.

So the picking and choosing going on on which parts of the constitution are important leads me to believe that maybe the election portion may have no meaning either. 


Ben Framed

I know his daughter is the light of his eye. She may be a great business woman. His son-in-law he speaks highly of as well. Of the patents, has she broke the law? The good news is as our President, has pretty much done a great job overall. He has kept America first. Of course we can rehash all the things he promised and accomplished. If you have watched one of his rallies he was sure to tell you.

As far as the suit filed by Texas see the following

The Constitution
Article I, Section 4, Clause 1:  says.

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

The problem that Texas and other states had from what I understand, the states in question did not follow the law via the guidelines of the constitution. (keep in mind I am no expert here, there may be others here who understand this more clearly than do I). They did not go through their state Legislature but instead skipped the legislature changing the rules via counting votes received after the closing of the polls and was instructed by their own rules. The last minute changes were done so by the AG of those states defying their own state laws which should have been done by their state Legislature Is my understanding. Perhaps Lawyer Rick may know more about this?

I suppose on some things we agree on and some things we disagree. I suppose on the ones we disagree, we should simply agree to disagree.   


Hey, gww, were you against the wall when the dems started it? After all, Trump came in well after the wall was started. You, like Pelouisy Shumer, and Pencil neck , probably were 100% for it until Trump picked it up and went on with it. Hypocrisy at it's best. The rest of your post is the same. I thought while reading the first half of it, you were talking about O'bummer.
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*


I always though walls were bad since we told russia to take theirs down.  Half of the problem with walls is they are like roads, always going bad and needing rebuilt.  I could think of better things to spend on even if it was just a good wage for more border control people or judges to move the process along a little faster.  If it makes any difference to you, I would not live in a gated community either.  Always too many rules in places like that.  The only walls I like are the trees that separate me from my neighbor.   It seems that even obama got a lot of money for trump to spend on walls just to repair the ones that were already there.  They are scared to give a restaurant owner any money but will spend 11 billion per mile of wall?  Just don't make much sense to me.
It is a good job if you are the one who gets the contract.  Spread that money a little thinner and give more people a decent wage doing real jobs.

Ps you are about like trump in claiming things that you have no proof of.  what would give you the ideal I ever though walls were good.  Not much choice when both side say yes is there.


I have to agree with you there, but that isn't the way big gov. works. The wall was going up, whoever was in. I'm just saying the idea shouldn't reverse just because the other party got in.
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*

Ben Framed

Iddee, gww
Speaking  of walls, Germany and our border to the south. It would seem unfair to compare the two would it not? The German wall as I understand it was placed separating a city Berlin, and country Germany. We might say the same concerning Korea? The Demarcation Line. Isn't this line, like Germany's wall? Placed there as a result of war? Placed there to totally disallow any tolerance of any citizen from Crossing in either direction?  Separating the same Nationality-of  people, Koreans and Germans at the war torn borders.  Under no circumstances either were allowed to cross this line, dividing their nations.  Unlike the BORDER wall of America and Mexico. This wall is not to divide a nation but reinforce the border of our two sovereign nations. Allowing visitors from each country to cross, visit, conduct business, see friends and neighbors, even go fishing lol etc? Simply a means to make certain folks enter and exit legally from one country to the next. For many years this was not seen necessary until American was clearly being taken advantage of by our kindness of open borders if you will.  Looking at it in this point of view, comparing our border wall to Germany or Korea is unfair in my opinion.


That is a two way street.  Do you remember before terrorisms became such a big thing.  An American could be in Michigan and hop in is car and go to Canada with out a birth certificate or pass port. Didn't have to use you birth certificate so you could get a drivers license just so you could fly from Mo to Chicago.  Just like the drug war and having to sign for a couple sudafed, we are willing to add restrictions to ourselves due to our great fear of the other.  All the government powers since home land security?  All good?  Perhaps, or perhaps not.

Ben Framed

I do remember gww. The terrorism mess sure opened a can of worms didnt it.  Thankfully Mr Trump put a stop to that. I am not happy with many things that spun off in the disguise of anti-terrorism. We were warned of loss of liberty by those who had the insight, (which were few at that time). One who comes to mind was Congressman Ron Paul. Such great patriots were deemed by the left and right as quacks if you recall? "All the government powers since home land security?  All good?  Perhaps, or perhaps not."   I say not gww. We have compromised liberty for safety. Who was it that said warning us, those who would compromise or forfeit liberty for safety deserve neither?
Was it Benjamin Franklin? I need to look that up because I agree.

Ben Framed

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither" Yes is was old wise Ben. I also noticed that many quotes are now disputed by many on google, saying he really meant this or he really meant that. Though these things were written down in the day and recorded at meetings by the person in charge of recording minutes in those days keeping accurate records. gww they are teaching these anti-founder views in our schools and colleges. Brainwashing our kids! No wonder our youth are so confused, turning to anarchy in the streets, filled with hate!
Sad isn't it.

Michael Bush

I have still yet to see anyone do an actual audit of their elections.  They have shredded ballots, they have wiped voting machines and servers.  They have threatened whisleblowers.  Of course during the election they threw out the witnesses and  the challengers.  People with nothing to hide, hide nothing.

What I saw in the hundreds of hours of testimony I have watched--testimony from eye witnesses who swore under oath affidavits--was that Trump won in most of those states.  You could see it in the numbers being reported.  Then all they ran out of ballots and were done for the night at least.  Then all of a sudden a truckload of more ballots come in that are all for Biden and none of those people are in the registration system so they add them.  Of the witnesses who saw any of this, they wrote down what names and addresses they could before they were thrown out and those addresses don't exist.  It looks like after they were done they had not cheated enough, so they had to come up with a bunch more ballots to finish the job.  It's easy enough to get to the bottom of it if someone would do a complete audit of all of the ballots and the voter registration rolls.  Do the addresses exist?  Do the people live in the state?  Are they of age? etc.  This is all doable.  You can look an address up on the USPS database yourself to see if it's valid.  It could mostly be automated, though I tend to trust it more if it's done one at a time so people can see what's happening.
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Ben Framed

Mr Bush what you say is true. But just like the above post that gww and I are discussing. The left are not only misleading our youth but through the media are attempting the same to our adults through their news medias. How many left media leaning networks are reporting what you just wrote? How many are discussing the testimony of these witnesses etc? Instead they report this election is no different than any other and the few irregularities are always to be expected etc.  SAD:  If folks hear only this, what else will they believe? When the truth is suppressed and countered as untruth, why would we not have such confusion? If I did not diligently seek the truth I would not find it. If I watched cnn and the like only, I would be mad too! Thinking these on the right are wrong, they are trying to steal our election! That is why I have patience with our left leaning friends here. These propagandist have their agendas and presentation of this propaganda down to an art.


And here I was thinking I was the one with patience. :cool:

Ben Framed


Quote from: Ben Framed on December 13, 2020, 12:29:34 PM
Of the patents, has she broke the law?
Yes, she like her father has not divorced herself from foreign business dealings which is a requirement for high positions in government.  They are both criminals.
Brian Cardinal
Just do it

Ben Framed

Quote from: Acebird on December 14, 2020, 05:04:20 PM
Quote from: Ben Framed on December 13, 2020, 12:29:34 PM
Of the patents, has she broke the law?
Yes, she like her father has not divorced herself from foreign business dealings which is a requirement for high positions in government.  They are both criminals.

That is interesting Ace.  What sources are you getting your information from, what law has she broken? What law has President broken in relation? Sources Please.


But influence peddling by the vice president is legal and admired?? Right, Ace. Keep going.
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*