first hatch of the year

Started by 10framer, March 26, 2015, 10:44:24 PM

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well my first hatch is just about over.  looks like i had between 70-80 percent success.  with my luck they'll all be roosters. 


Congrats! incubator  or broody hen ? Hey rooster are meat so you never lose :0P


I set 120 two weeks ago.. and pulled out 30 clears the other day. The last two cold snaps really pulled fertility down.

What kind of birds do you raise?


i've got ameraucanas, dominiques, marans and good old barnyard mix.  i bought the ameraucana eggs and then just threw in some of my free range bird eggs and then two more small sets of my mix birds behind it.  my hatch rate was only so so on the bought eggs and my own.  i'm going to set a couple dozen marans eggs and then take a break until late may.  by then it will almost be time to extract.


We have some cinnamon queens. They  are good layers!