CCD Video opinions

Started by Hi-Tech, September 17, 2015, 02:20:07 PM

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I watched this documentary on TV a few weeks ago and like any show about bees, I enjoyed watching it. However, it raised some concerns I have had for years and I would like some opinions. Without trying to go over the whole show, they were making the point that they felt CCD and the overall decline of the honey bee in America was caused by the large tracts of GMO crops (I am surrounded by GMO soybean and corn here in KY). They said the built in systemic pesticides, while not killing adult bees, were making the larva weak from being fed the pollen. They did tests and found the pollen did contain pesticides. According to the producers of this documentary, France experienced a similar decline of their bees, they banned GMO crops, and the bees bounced back. OK.. that was a real short version of the documentary....

Now, the other night in my bee club meeting, I brought this up to see what they thought. Most said, no, that wasn't the problem. Its the mites and only the mites. Now I know that GMO crops are a huge percentage of the economy in my area and I wonder if that made their beliefs lean away from GMO as a problem. Myself, I have been against GMO for years so maybe I lean towards that being the problem because I am biased. However, the science the French had done left no doubt in their mind and said their bees are much better now.

Does anyone think there is any truth to this documentary?
Computer Tech, Beekeeper, Hunter = Hi-Tech Redneck


   I live in SE Iowa,and from my front window right now I see Soybeans and corn. I am surrounded by soybeans and corn. GMO Crops that are treated with Neonics.
   I am going to be blunt, so grit your teeth. Bees have little interest in soybeans and corn. Corn, for some pollen if things are BAD and they have nothing else. Beans for a WEE bit of nectar... have you ever seen the self pollinating flowers on a soybean? Bring a magnifying glass.
  Yes, bees will work both if there is nothing else. If there is anything else they bypass both crops.
   If GMO or Neonics were THE major issue, I would likely not have bees alive.  I will not deny that it is possible for a combination of things to cause problems, but since switching to OAV a few years ago I have experienced less than 1% loss on my locally bred hives. I am not making any claims of a silver bullet or a golden ticket. Just saying...  surrounded!!!!!   and have not had any problems.
39 Hives and growing.  Havent found the end of the comfort zone yet.


I will peek my nose out of the shell and agree with oldmech. Neonics are a minor problem compared with what used to be applied to crops (and more liberally on crops that have had a problem in the past or at the time). The critical time is planting and harvesting and the dust resulting from both IMO.
Yes, neonics are a problem, but it's better to take the application rate out of the equation, I live and keep hives surrounded by orchards and the producers have to spray according to rainfall, the more rainfall the more mortality I see at the entrances of my hives. It could be that or a crazy neighbor that sprays her hummingbird feeder with black flag trying to keep the bees and wasps away (yes, I saw her doing it). As long as I'm on a roll, I have more ill feelings towards a gardener that has their plants covered with sevens dust (another neighbor) or driving by a house that has a lawn that has the look of a masters qualifying green, reeking of whatever the lawn service can cook up to make the homeowner happy than a field of soybeans because I know that it's the lesser of the evils as far as forage.
Can't ever say that bk'n ain't a learning experience!


Hi Tech,
"According to the producers of this documentary, France experienced a similar decline of their bees, they banned GMO crops, and the bees bounced back."
I have a real problem with this statement.
India, mainly due to lack of money, decided not to treat for mites. Massive losses but in 2 years the bees started recovering.
I picked up an old tool box that was packed with bees, honey, very old comb and the bottom was full of dead bees due to the broken bag of seven dust the the bees had learned how to deal with.
Bees are very resilient. Given a chance they eventually over comb most problems on their own.
It took about 10 years for feral bees in this area to come back but I suspect that was caused by one problem after another being introduced into our bees.
I have some reservation with GMO but more with Neonics. Not enough info one way or another to condemn GMO.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


Mendelian genetics and Darwin....this sort of proves it all. The strong survive and the weak are left to perish...until man comes along with the chemical crutches to help bad genetics prosper. I truly think the Beekeeping community is more in tune with this desire to breed superior survivors than any other agricultural sector in the US....lets let them breed.

Jeff Wingate

Changes in Latitudes...Changes in Attitudes....are Florida Keys bees more laid back than the rest of the country...only time will tell!!!
[email protected]