The Government wants my honey RESULTS OF THE TEST PIC 1/6/06

Started by mick, April 12, 2006, 04:50:41 AM

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I received this in the mail today, no explanation letter. Just a demand for 125 mil (5 ounces) of clean honey.

I think its great that the Government pays for the testing of honey and I spose will send me a copy of their results. Im guessing it would cost a couple of hundred bucks to have my honey privately tested.

Its a way of controlling disease and keeping the country free of nasties I spose.

Do the Governments of other Countries provide such a service free of charge?, Id be interested to know.

Meantime I have to talk to my bees and ask em exactly how were gunna do this, as the 2 boxes are brood chambers and I havent added the honey super on top yet.


You have to laugh.

I sincerely hope your honey is not a bio hazard as the bag suggests.

It proves that beaurocrats the world over are the same. I presume at your location you are in your winter period when there is little or no honey flow.  They can never time their requests to fit in with something that is seasonal.

Seriously I hope all turns out OK.
listen to others. You do not always know as much as you think you do.


When is the deadline to get this done? Aren't you about to go into winter down there? What do you mean "no honey"? Why is "biological hazard" written on that bag?
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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Hi Guys,

Yes winter is on, the Banksias  are still flowering thanks to the mild autumn and so are some of the Eucalypts.

I have honey, but its all mixed on the frames with eggs and larvae and water and pollen etc. Id have to sacrifice a frame to get what they want unless I cut out some comb or something.

Theres no information other that what you see in the photo. I guess the biohazard bag is a standard bag for putting a sample in.

I would have thought there would have been a "dear sir, as a part of the Governments desire to keep the bee industry free of disease............." letter but there wasnt.
Banksia marginata
Eucalyptus ficifolia

I spose I might be able to milk some burr comb if ther is any, but if they want a clean strained sample they can strain it themselves!


Maybe there's some new contaminant of honey that they're trying to watch out for.  In January, the state government sent leters to all the beekeepers provideing "recomended practices" for keeping bees and possibly Africanized bees.  Just a few were,"Requeen every 6 months, locate apiaries 1/4 mile or more from active pedestrian areas." Yeah a hobbyist with 3 hives can set aside all that land... :roll:


They are just trying to get some honey for the coffee at the office :lol:

Michael Bush

A bit of an insult to have to put your honey in a biohazard bag....
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


just go to the store and buy some big name brand off the shelf
to put in the sample bottle

:P  on the government :!:

It would be really funny if they reported back to you that your
honey was contaminated or contained sub-standard additives :lol:


Um, are you talking about the Government? Don't be surprised if you get an outrageous bill.
SouthWestern Ohio Beekeepers Association


:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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LOL gotta laugh at your post SignQueen. I think any one from any country would be amazed at this offer from their Government.

Theres no way theres gunna be a bill in this. Its just something the Department of Primary Industries does routinely Im told. Once you register they keep track of tings.



That is not bad idea when some one want to control diseases with that price. It is AFB I suppose.

The  problem is your numerous feral colonies.  And those bandoned hives wher you got the start.

After German with spore researches AFB can be found 2 years before you may see symtoms in hive.

So if you have AFB you just put your bees on new foundations.


do you live next to a nuclear power plant . i have my bees next to one and they look like super bees. ha ha ha

Jack Parr

Quote from: Apis629Maybe there's some new contaminant of honey that they're trying to watch out for.  In January, the state government sent leters to all the beekeepers provideing "recomended practices" for keeping bees and possibly Africanized bees.  Just a few were,"Requeen every 6 months, locate apiaries 1/4 mile or more from active pedestrian areas." Yeah a hobbyist with 3 hives can set aside all that land... :roll:

Now it's letters and recommendations? Later when the AHB has spread more in Florida expect more mandatory restrictions. Be prepared.


Its all called BIG BROTHER and he is watching all of you and if you don't do what he says watch ya gonna do when he comes a looking for  you !!

Have a great Day and Thanks!


Well got the results today. Seems all they tested for or admit to  was AFB.

I was happily telling everyone at work that I got my test results back and didnt have american foul brood disease. Got lots of strange looks, even stranger when they were handed the piece of paper. At first glance looks like the ususal human pathology report lol. Sorry about the size of the pic but its really only 56k, AND they didnt charge me so the government (my taxes) paid for it \, cool.


That is good!

How is your hive now? You have so called winter there.