They just couldn't wait

Started by vabeeguy, April 16, 2006, 09:10:33 AM

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Saturday morning in the foothills of ol' Virginnny seemed calm and peaceful as I was sitting on the backporch swing sippin' coffee and planning how I was going to split my hives today, even though several beekeepers had suggested I wait a bit. Then....(this is where the suspenseful music plays in the background)....The girls decided to save me a little work and out the hive they came!  The sky filled with what seemed like thousands (and probably was) of bees. Like a tornado they swirled their way higher and higher into the sky. Even though they were 100ft or more from the house, the sound filled the air and could clearly be heard by the wife through the kitchen window. Then as quick as it began (this is where the music stops) it was over. Out of all the trees in the yard, they picked the top of a large, very hard to get to, cedar tree in an old fence row. And may I add has a wild, very thorny rose bush winding it's way up through it.
 Well....after about an hour I was completely torn up with thorns but, I was the proud father of a 5 gallon bucket of bees. Fortunately, I had just set up a new hive, so I quickly "dumped" them in their new home. The wife was pleased that I had finally used the 12ft  A frame ladder I just had to buy 3 years ago.  So, I guess the moral of this story time I feel that I need to do a split....I need to get off my butt and do it.


sounds like everything worded out for you, experience can be the best teacher at times, the next time you have this happen you will know what you are looking at... good Job on being able to get the swarm....

Never be afraid to try something new.
Amateurs built the ark,
Professionals built the Titanic

Michael Bush

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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


that would sure made my life alot easier Michael. Need to put the hints out there for father's day.