Getting into the black

Started by rookie2531, March 20, 2016, 05:19:55 AM

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I have finally gotten above my investment. A lot of hard work and even working in downpours last spring. I have a full time job that works me 6-7 days a week, but they wont break my spirit. I hope my next move will to work somewhere with less hours, to give me more time in my bee growth. Loving this addiction.


Rookie, I brook even last year (my 3rd year). Very encouraging to be doing something profitable that you really enjoy.
When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you - then you know your nation is doomed.


That's awesome, I'm going into my 3rd season. Do you think that is the average?


By my third year I had 12 hives and 9 of them were at working strength. That year we pulled 1200 pounds of honey. By the time it was sold, I had broke even. That included paying for an 18 frame motorized extractor.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


I'm going into my 4th year.  I'm probably still in the red but I've been building lots of woodenware this winter.  Hopefully enough for a couple of years.  I haven't been that concerned about the sales aspect of beekeeping yet.  I am trying to get my hive numbers up first.  I've got ten strong hives that made it through the winter and my goal is to at least triple that by next year.  I'm just enjoying learning about my bees(and teaching others about bees) to be concerned about a few hundred dollars either way.  I think that if a person wanted to make money from their bees they could do it fairly quickly if they were willing to put in the effort.

Nugget Shooter

Encouraging and I would love to have things even out after 3 years though I do not have that much of an initial investment as I only buy frames and foundation for the most part along with glue hardware etc. My property came with enough 1x12 and other wood to build a small town and have wondered for 20 years what to do with it  :grin: It is amazing the effect these insects have on us humans and my yard is steadily growing and hobe to have at least 10 hives by this time next year.
Learning to manage without meddling...


2015 As a new beek I started with 2 hives, ended 2015 with 4 hives.  2016 Started with 4 hives, as of today I'm running 17 split between 2 yards.  Sometimes I wonder how I got here.  Didn't extract my 1st year and honey sales have been just over $1,000 this year.  Hopefully next year I'll start to see a profit.  However, while thankful for the byproduct, I really just enjoy working my bees.


I have been trying to figure on how to come out at least even.  You catch a swarm and then you think, well thats worth $100.  Then you put some sugar to them to protect your investment.  Well there goes $50 bucks.  Then a mouse eats a hole in your veil, start with a roll of duct tape.  Then maby they make it to winter and then if you want to sell them you have to have ten frames go with them.  Then you spend $25 on a smoker caause it is easier to use then your homemade one.

I am glad for the good reports.  I have 3 hives but only faith that I might have one come spring due to hive sizes of the three.  I can see lots of little things that would be nice to have but could nickle and dime you to death.  Plywood is $30 bucks a sheet.  I could see spending a lot of money and myself not being a good enough sells man to get some of it back.

I have hopes to come out about even or a little better.  I already need to find a way to get about $400 to do that and am new enough that I don't know if I see a way to get that $400.  I sorta see it but am not sure.  I don't even count the gas for setting and checking traps or the electric, blades, tools nails and stuff.  I have burnt out 3 cheap table saws and don't know how to count that.  I only paid for two of them and one was fixed under warrenty after driving 2 hours.  I don't trust it though and have bought a mid line one to go with it.

I am retired and doing nothing else and most hobies cost money.  Heck it now cost $5 bucks for 20 fish hooks for fishing.  I would like to come out even or a bit better though.

First year bee keeper.