Transfer queen cells in cold weather.

Started by Psparr, April 27, 2016, 08:21:57 PM

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So made a split 9 days ago and of course the weather tomorrow will be chance of rain and a high of 57. Just took a quick glance today and saw about 10 cells. Don't want to lose them to the first queen. Is it safe to cut them out and transfer them as quickly as I can?


As rough as it sounds..... I take my bar and put it on the seat of my truck in an empty nuc, with the engine running and heat on, then pull each cell as I need it and slide it into a brood frame and re install that frame. Then go get the next hive ready, pull the cell and install it etc...   Not sure if you have a bar with cells on it or if you have a frame you want to cut cells out of..   A quick transfer will be fine as long as they are not sitting out in the cold while they wait to be placed.
39 Hives and growing.  Havent found the end of the comfort zone yet.

Michael Bush

In the same yard, yes, just do it quickly.
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Just got done. Weren't too pissy. Maybe too chilly to feel like flying.

One thing I noticed. The feral colony I cut out last Sunday was out working while my other hives were all tucked in.


I cut the cells out of the foundation and put them in my incubator.
I use a heated Nuc when in the field to move them in so they won't chill.
Richard Vardaman (capt44)