My Bee Book Arrived Today Keeping Yr Own Bees Norman Redpath

Started by mick, April 21, 2006, 04:54:01 AM

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I managed to track down a copy of "keeping your own bees" by Norman redpath.

His shop that started in the 60s is just up the road and today run by his sons. I get my gear from there and Gordon was very helpful and encouraging.


Its written for Aussie conditions, especially my local ones. Its gotta be a blessing to have a bee book written by someone just up the road from you. Already I feel better knowing my bees are going to be able to forage just about all year round and bring back nectar and pollen thanks to the Eucalypys . I knew it but I just had to read it to confinrm my belief if you know what I mean.

The principles are the same, but our warm climate makes most books from the US and UK have big chunks of what is to us useless data.


Hey mick,

I haven't seen that book before. Looks alright, can you tell me a bit about it? There is another book that was published in victoria around 1991 I think. Its called "beekeeping" and was published by whatever the forestry department was called then. Its well worth it if you can find it.

Have fun ;).
Careful, my pets can smell your hives. 8)