New bee queen cell video from observation beehive

Started by windowbee, July 13, 2016, 04:14:03 AM

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I would like to show my bee queen cell.

I had to destroy it using laser yesterday i don't need swarm this year. Already i have 8 observation- demonstration bee hive at home and i don't need any more.

But  i am not sure isn't it a replace cell meaby ?not swarm cell...? It was only single one and it is a half of July so it is little late for swarm in my region. Queen is 3 years old.

Tomorrow i will split my hive. I plan to give some brood and workers to another weaker colony and this one with bee queen cell make little bit weaker to prewent swarm in nearly future.

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With only having one cell why do you think it is a swarm cell. Do you have a flow on or are you feeding them to simulate a flow? If you do not, there is a good chance that you are looking at a superceedure cell. It would be great if you can get videos of 2 queens working together in one hive.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


Unfortunately I don't have any flow right now, bees are jobless. There are many young workers in colony without job.
I've started to feed them to stimulate laying eggs by queen, and it works, she is laying again.
I keep my bees in a block of flats so I don't need swarm and I would like not to risk at all.
On Saturday I'm going to Spain on vacation and I will be absent so I need to be sure they won't try to swarm.
So I've removed the cell today using blue laser... and I've taken from this colony 2 frames with bees and brood into another, weaker one.

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little john

A single q/cell in a hive with a 3 year old queen ?  If I was a betting man, my money would be on a supercedure cell.

A Heretics Guide to Beekeeping -


Meaby You wright, but the reason of this post is -I don't know...
In My hives queens live 6-7 years because of small comb area.
The queen lay not that intensive like it in standard open air hive occurs.
Bee colony is small so there are 10.000 individuals in best way.
This queen have the strongest colony from colonies i have.
Sorry for my language mistakes... English is not my native Lang.

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little john

6-7 years ?  Amazing - well, that paints a different picture.   Anyway - the issue has become somewhat academic, seeing as that cell's been 'lasered' ...   
(Star-Wars, or what ?) :smile:

BTW - no need to apologise for any language details - your standard of English is quite understandable - whereas my Polish is completely, absolutely, 100% non-existent.

Do you have any 'outside' hives as well as the 'window' hives ?  I get the impression that there are a lot of beekeepers in Poland.

A Heretics Guide to Beekeeping -


Yep, the laser is helpful. Using it I don't need to open the hives or manipulate using metal wire.
I have 2000mW blue laser and it is it...The plexi wall is transparent for visible light so it work very good for me.

Don't worry about Your polish, it's one from the most difficult language so take a brake  :cheesy:
My language skills including polish are little say low  :embarassed:, I am a not very good speaker.

Yes You wright there are many good polish bee breeders and beekeepers. Some of them have very good bees.
For me the best bee is the most gentle- i keep bees in the city so this is the most important thing to me.
I found the breeder who has a very gentle bees. You don't need any special equipment to work with open hive.

I don't have open air hives, i had it once but i move out and now i have no place to keep standard size hives.
Be truly i don't interesting to get honey from bees i like to watch them and their biology, and problems- that's why i use demonstration- observation beehives. I want to watch them every time i just wont it! So i want to do it very often.
The bees in standard hive will not happy with every day opening hive  :wink:

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Stellar video TNX

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