Can someone help me find some information on OAV

Started by gumpy, October 10, 2016, 10:58:06 AM

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I thought I'd try this message on this board. I tried it on the other popular board, but didn't get any responses. I think it's getting lost in the avalanche of activity. This one seems a bit more calm.

I was at the bee club meeting last week and mentioned I had treated my bees five times with oxalic acid vapor. Some of the more experienced guys said I would lose my queens after three treatments. This is contrary to what I had heard from others online, so I asked for some information on where they got that info.

I received the following information from them. Evidently there are some articles in the following 2016 American Bee Journal issues.

American Bee Journal ? Oct 2016 - Page 1098
American Bee Journal ? Jul 2016 ? Page 758

I don't subscribe to that journal, and do not have access to it. Could someone who does please look up these two references and either send me a copy or just read them and give me a synopsis of what they say and on what they are basing the claim that OAV is harmful to queens. Is this from a study? Is there any validity to it? or is it just someone speculating with no research or data to back it up.



Both articles are from a monthly column, "The Classroom" by Jerry Hayes. People send in questions for Jerry to respond to.

The July question revolved around the number of times per year OAV should be administered and the October questioner referenced the July question/answer but indicated they performed multiple OAV treatments and experienced Queen loss.

My interpretation of the answers is that Mr. Hayes is not a proponent of using OAV more than once per year - at most, but instead references the use of Apiguard and Apivar. Neither question referenced size of hive, OAV dosage, etc.

Hope this helps.
Randy Oliver's website has a lot of information on OAV. You may want to check it out.

And as many other have said . . . " Ask 10 Beekeepers a question and you will get 12 different answers"

Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the tests first, the lessons afterwards .
-Vernon Sanders Law


Sorry I can't answer your question since I don't treat my hives and have no experience with OAV.  All I can say is welcome to the forum.   :happy:


Quote from: Dabbler on October 10, 2016, 07:51:18 PM
Both articles are from a monthly column, "The Classroom" by Jerry Hayes. People send in questions for Jerry to respond to.

The July question revolved around the number of times per year OAV should be administered and the October questioner referenced the July question/answer but indicated they performed multiple OAV treatments and experienced Queen loss.

My interpretation of the answers is that Mr. Hayes is not a proponent of using OAV more than once per year - at most, but instead references the use of Apiguard and Apivar. Neither question referenced size of hive, OAV dosage, etc.

Hope this helps.
Randy Oliver's website has a lot of information on OAV. You may want to check it out.

Thank you. I was under the impression there was some information referencing an obscure study overseas, but evidently this is just one person's opinion.

I have read some of Randy Oliver's site. Will peruse it once again.

Thank you for your time to look this up.



Quote from: gumpy on October 10, 2016, 09:21:24 PM

..... some information referencing an obscure study overseas, but evidently this is just one person's opinion.
Thank you for your time to look this up.

I did not see any study references mentioned in either article.
You are welcome. This is what the forum is for- helping one another.
And BTW - welcome to Beemaster !

Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the tests first, the lessons afterwards .
-Vernon Sanders Law


I know this is an old topic but ... mentions multiple repeated OAV treatments ... quote from the page Heinz Kaemmerer of Heilyser Technology Ltd. says: ?We treated several colonies for 3 months during winter, once a week with the vaporizer and all colonies survived.? ?With brood, colonies can be treated with the right amount of OA 3 to 4 times, a week apart; there is no harm to bees, queen or brood.? Medhat Nasr confirms that vaporized oxalic is very gentle to the bees.

I've also treated eight times in succession at 5 day intervals with no apparent adverse effects.
The Apiarist : Beekeeping in Fife, Scotland
Rational Varroa control, science and DIY for beekeepers


Quote from: gumpy on October 10, 2016, 10:58:06 AM
I thought I'd try this message on this board. I tried it on the other popular board, but didn't get any responses. I think it's getting lost in the avalanche of activity. This one seems a bit more calm.

I was at the bee club meeting last week and mentioned I had treated my bees five times with oxalic acid vapor. Some of the more experienced guys said I would lose my queens after three treatments. This is contrary to what I had heard from others online, so I asked for some information on where they got that info.

I received the following information from them. Evidently there are some articles in the following 2016 American Bee Journal issues.

American Bee Journal ? Oct 2016 - Page 1098
American Bee Journal ? Jul 2016 ? Page 758

I don't subscribe to that journal, and do not have access to it. Could someone who does please look up these two references and either send me a copy or just read them and give me a synopsis of what they say and on what they are basing the claim that OAV is harmful to queens. Is this from a study? Is there any validity to it? or is it just someone speculating with no research or data to back it up.

Yuo will not lose Queens, that is nonesense.
It is almost impossible to OD Bees on OA
However you can OD yourself if you get too much OA vapor in your lungs and Kidney damage can occur

little john

Quote from: Philbee100 on March 10, 2017, 02:47:19 AM
Yuo will not lose Queens, that is nonesense.
It is almost impossible to OD Bees on OA
However you can OD yourself if you get too much OA vapor in your lungs and Kidney damage can occur

Coming in a bit late on this ...

Agree - there's no evidence at all of losing queens with VOA (unlike MAQS) - even with multiple doses. 
I had one colony with DWV 'on it's knees' last year in mid-season, and zapped them with 4 doses of VOA, 4 days apart, just to be sure (normal recommended multi-dose is 3 doses of VOA 5 days apart - but I wasn't taking any chances). Colony survived and has just over-wintered ok.

A guy from Portugal with the same problem contacted me, and after doing the same he wrote and confirmed that the multi-dose protocol was successful for him also.

Some people are just set against using Oxalic Acid - don't know why - maybe it's because it's mode of operation is still unclear ?  Myself, I don't care how it works ... I just know it does. :smile:
A Heretics Guide to Beekeeping -


        Something you might like to listen to. If you're going to use oxalic acid vaporized or as a drip.

             BEE HAPPY Jim 134  :smile:

"Tell me and I'll forget,show me and I may  remember,involve me and I'll understand"
        Chinese Proverb

"The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways."
John F. Kennedy
Franklin County Beekeepers Association MA.

little john

Quote from: Jim 134 on March 15, 2017, 04:33:33 PM
        Something you might like to listen to. If you're going to use oxalic acid vaporized or as a drip.

Excellent talk, and some very good slides ...
A Heretics Guide to Beekeeping -