Buying bees in Japan

Started by beepan, March 03, 2017, 02:02:27 AM

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I am hoping someone may be in Japan or have a contact

I have been trying for months now to organize / buy some bees in Japan

I went to the bee association and some bee clubs but no one wants to sell to me because I'm not Japanese
It's crazy

I am hoping someone may have a contact that will help me


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most beeks over there are life timers. their customs are that unless you are willing to spend your time in every aspect of the life style you will not honor the bees. its just thier way. maybe find one to mentor you and earn their trust by working a year at thier apiray then they will offer you aa hive. but beware their are the super deadly hornets in japan and they love to attack bee hives and can kill humans. make sure you get bees that are native to japan. they have a natural defense against the hornet and know how to protect the hive.



Ive heard thats "custom" in japan to not give to outsiders.


If you are living in Japan, make some swarm traps and catch them.  When we retire a second time we plan to stay at our home in KamiGoto in the Nagasaki prefecture enough so that I can keep bees in both countries....  Even if only a few hives in Japan....for the love of honeybees.


I agree, swarm traps are the way to go. I would rather have a feral swarm than a commercially raised queen any day.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


I went to a bee association in Japan to meet people and wasn't even allowed to attend the meeting as not Japanese

They said I don't understand Japanese bees and so no one would sell me any or mentor me in their ways

It's very frustrating
I've put some swam traps out now but nothing as yet

Is there a best place to leave a swan trap?

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Beepan - I have replied to your PM.  Lets share some more information via PM and I will try to help.  Unfortunately, I will be seriously confined for two weeks from this coming Tuesday, and may only sporadically be able to access the net.

But to share information here on beemaster - I have never bought or sold hives/swarms, and don`t know anyone who has.  Best to pick up a wild swarm of Apis cerana.  From there I can share information on the differences you will want to know in comparison to the mellifera that you already know.  And, you might get lucky and attract a mellifera swarm too.

To all of the rest of you - I haven`t been back to Beemaster for years, but I have had bees every year since way back there and have 2Ms, and 5Cs at this time - far reduced from past years.  Some areas of Japan simply do not have honeybees anymore.  So sad.
"I come from a state that raises corn and cotton and cockleburs and Democrats, and frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I am from Missouri. You have got to show me."  Duncan Vandiver

A boy can do half the work of a man, but two boys do less, and three boys get nothing done at all. :)

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