Moles in Seattle

Started by EaglePestEliminators, May 25, 2017, 10:58:00 AM

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Every one knows about moles very small, inconspicuous ears but harms your garden feeding on the grubs, earthworms and other soil critters beneath your tomatoes. Do you agree? Share your problems here and lets try to get solution for it.

Happy Gardening.


Wiled cats.  Feed them enough to keep them around.
Brian Cardinal
Just do it


He probably means feral cats.


Spray for tansey. That will kill the worms and moles move on to unsprayed territory. AFAIK, moles' primary diet is worms, grubs, and bugs. Voles on the other hand, you need cats.

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1910' elevation, east slope of Cascade Mt range, orchard country


I can kill them pretty good with a cinch trap but they are now made local and they break within a year. They are crazy expensive to last so short a time so I stopped buying them. Now  I?m forced to try a different trap type.
Trick to killing the buggers is to dig down from the hole until you hit the horizontal tunnel and set the traps there.
Poor decisions make the best stories.

Ben Framed

Quote from: GeezLouise on May 26, 2017, 04:17:23 PM
Spray for tansey. That will kill the worms and moles move on to unsprayed territory. AFAIK, moles' primary diet is worms, grubs, and bugs. Voles on the other hand, you need cats.

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Voles are terrible on Hosta! I actually seen a Hosta leaf disappear into the ground, (via vole hole), sort of like a carrot plant on the Buggs Bunny Show, when Buggs was snitching them from beneath lol....  What beside cats will work in a Vole situation?


Michael Bush

I've never thought of moles as a problem.  Voles can move into a hive in the winter, as do mice.  Those are a problem.
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