What are the reasons that bees cluster on a queen aggressively?

Started by Vicken, June 22, 2017, 02:39:08 PM

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I made some Italian queens with 3  langstroth full of bees frames, then I gave the nucs some hatching bee frames,  after two days the bees in 3 hives had clustered on the queen snd they were forbidding the queens to lay eggs,  does anyone have any info about that?

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Only reason I know of for surrounding a queen is rejection and they are 'balling' which overheats and kills the queen. Hope that is not the case for you. Look up Dave Cushman, a good source of info.
Good luck


 It was with them, she was their mother, I don't think that's the reason,  I made a mistake which was gave her two hatching brood frames in a period of two days

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A couple of years ago, I added 2 frames of bees to my observation hive. To keep them from fighting I put a strip of paper above the bottom/original frame of bees to safely combine them. Right after I had put the hive back in the house, I saw a ball of bees above the paper. The queen had moved up while I was closing it up. I thought for sure they were killing the queen. Later that night, I saw the queen laying eggs above the paper. It turned out that her bees were protecting her from the new bees until she was accepted by them.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


Oh thanks sawdsmakr, in my case I thought that perhaps bees saw something unusual with two frames of hatching brood,  perhaps there aren't there sufficient stores of honey and they wanted to stop her from laying eggs

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I think there r lots of reasons why bees cluster on a queen, by the way one of the itallians which they had clustered on is now accepted again by the bees and she's laying eggs,  the other two one Italian and one carnica i transformed them to new hives in hope i won't lose them,  thanks a lot my friend

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