Myth or Truth???

Started by Scott Derrick, May 14, 2006, 11:01:41 PM

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Scott Derrick

I have heard that is you use metal pot or plow sheers (says my wifes 86 year old grandmother) that swarming bees will settle. I have asked a few more seasoned beekeepers about this and they told me it was a myth. I truly trust that my wifes 86 year old grandmother was telling the truth when she said that her father used plow sheers, banging them together to bring a swarm in for a landing. She has very sharp mind and said that she has done this a multitude of times.

Could this have been a coincidence?

Is there any truth to  this??

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"You're born. You suffer. You die. Fortunately, there's a loophole."
                                              Billy Graham

Brian D. Bray

A myth?  Definitely not.  My mentor (who started beekeeping in 1899) taught me to settle swarms by threatening rain.  The threat of rain is either water droplets (from a garden hose set on mist) or thunder (banging 2 metal objects together).
I've been using this method since 1960 and have never considered that some might think it a myth.  I've always considered it a necessary piece of knowledge for any beekeeper.  I can't tell you how many swarms I've caught over the years this way.  In fact, I've only had one swarm refuse to settle and leave the bee yard.
The secret is volume and rhythm.  Bang as Loud as possible about once every few seconds--bang, one mississippi, two mississippi, three mississippi, bang, etc.  I've found the best and handest item to use is to grab the telescopic top off of the nearest hive and bang with either the flat of my hand or my hive tool.
I've made reference to this in several of my other postings.
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Michael Bush

There are those who are quite certain it's a myth, none of whom have tried it There are those who believe it is not, most of whom have tried it.

I have no idea. I've never tried it.
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Scott Derrick


My first thought when you spoke about thunder was the old sheetmetal thunder machines that are used in the theater industry. You would simply hold it by the sheet by a top handle and shake it back in forth to create a very convincing thunder sound. Then I thought about me running through the wood with the thunder maching trying to catch a swarm. I can see the neighbors now!!.....:lol:

I appreciate your comments and I will try this the next swarm I find that needs to settle.  Wonder if you guys will have to rescue me from the straight jacket my neighbors will try to put me in?  :lol:

I can hear the conversation now:

Sure you are trying to catch a swarm of bees Mr. Derrick...I'm sure the bees will settle on a branch when they hear the thunder machine Mr. Derrick. Things have been really tought lately haven't they Mr. Derrick....we are gonna help you with the voices in your head Mr. Derrick....oh it was your friends online that said this would work...sure it you often listen to strangers online Mr. Derrick???......

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"You're born. You suffer. You die. Fortunately, there's a loophole."
                                              Billy Graham


My grandfather used to swear by hiving swarms by banging items together. He said,

1. put a sheet down in front of the hive
2. knock the swarm on the sheet
3. bang stuff together and they march right in.  

Sounded like craziness to me, but my dad says he saw him do it all the time.

Scott Derrick

I truly appreciate all the feedback on this subject. Anyone else have any other stories with successes?

What did you use to make the sound?

How far away from the bees were you?

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"You're born. You suffer. You die. Fortunately, there's a loophole."
                                              Billy Graham

Brian D. Bray

I don't think your neighbors will look more than twice.  Most people consider beekeepers to be a little adlepated to begin with.  Why disappoint them?

The greatest show on earth is man.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!

Scott Derrick



ad·dle·pat·ed Pronunciation (dl-ptd)
1. Befuddled; confused.
2. Eccentric; peculiar: "[Her] estates . . . are odes to addlepated excess, a melange of priceless antiques and thrift-store horrors" Michelle Green.
3. Senseless; mad: "led the addlepated charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava" Thomas Flanagan.

This is definately the word for the day.  :)

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"You're born. You suffer. You die. Fortunately, there's a loophole."
                                              Billy Graham


Quote from: rsderrickI have heard that is you use metal pot or plow sheers (says my wifes 86 year old grandmother) that swarming bees will settle. I have asked a few more seasoned beekeepers about this and they told me it was a myth. I truly trust that my wifes 86 year old grandmother was telling the truth when she said that her father used plow sheers, banging them together to bring a swarm in for a landing. She has very sharp mind and said that she has done this a multitude of times.

Could this have been a coincidence?

Is there any truth to  this??


I have heard this from about 10 people and all them say it is true..... havent never tried it or seen it tried though...

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