Best place for swarm traps

Started by damienpryan, February 08, 2019, 09:57:29 PM

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Following on from the lemon grass thread...
We can put our favorite places to put swarm boxes/traps.

I've found putting them on top of black plastic compost bins or outside gas hot water both work well.
(Can you tell I keep bees in the suburbs!)

I use a full box depth 10 frame box with 10 plastic (wax coated) frames and lemon grass oil.
This year I'm going to try two new things.
1. put some slump gum in the top (why not, I have it) it has been boiled so safe.
2. put a piece of cardboard over the top of the frames with some small holes,on top of my hive mat.
    or use a inner cover. Just something to stop the bees getting to the roof of the hive as I've noticed swarms have an annoying habit of ignoring frames and starting in the roof.



Donovan J

Might use this once it stops snowing and gets warmer!