Basic Mite Treatment Highlights

Started by Ben Framed, July 21, 2019, 10:01:04 AM

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Ben Framed

Thymol (Apiguard),  for treating mites, is very effective for such. Is this true? From what I understand, Apiguard is not to be used with supers on. This being so, without saying, suggest the opportunity to use during a honey flow is out?  And is a chemical treatment? Quote from Honey Bee Suite
?Apiguard is the tradename for a Varroa mite treatment made from 25% thymol, which is the active ingredient. It comes in a gel form and is also considered a ?soft? chemical treatment.?

Another thymol based treatment. I quote also from Honey Bee Suite
?ApiLife Var is the tradename for a Varroa mite treatment made from 74% thymol, which is the active ingredient. It also contains eucalyptol, menthol, and camphor. It comes in the form of a soaked biscuit and is considered a ?soft? chemical treatment.?

Formic (mite away quick strips) considered an organic, can be used with honey supers on, and will not hurt bees as long as the temperature is BELOW a certain level. Is this correct?? As far a honey supers on I quote from NOD
?There is no loss in efficacy. It is also recommended when treating in late summer and early autumn, to treat while the last honey super is still in place?

Oxalic is also organic as is Formic? Safe and natural to use WITH honey supers ON. And will not hurt the bees. No matter the temperature as claimed by research. Correct?

Live Oak

It is far too hot for thymol and formic acid products.  During this time of the season, the hives are producing Winter Bees.  You want to treat whenever possible with a product that will kill reproductive mites which reside under the capped brood comb as well as phoretic mites.  MAQS is very good at this when the temperatures are below 80 degrees (directions state 85 degrees treat at your own risk at this high of a temperature & expect heavy brood loses and possible queen loss). 

Don't discount thermal treatment for varroa mites with the Mighty Mite Killer.  They are very effective and kill both reproductive and phoretic varroa mites in addition to small hive beetles and no chemicals at all. 


Ben Framed

Mr Live Oak, I thank you for reminding me of the Mighty Mite Treatment. I have read your speaking of this before and checked it out a while back. I like the concept. You have always given good information and advice here.