Should i unite my two hives

Started by tom, June 02, 2006, 10:22:38 PM

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  First i want to thank everyone that has helped me with all my questions now i looked into hive 2 and the queen is doing good but i also have a hot hive that came from a five frame nuc. Should i unite the two together and let them be as one hive or should i order a new queen to requeen the hot hive both hives are the same but hive two is not working like the first hive and the first hive has bees all on top of the frames and full of brood and doing well but they have not gone into the super at all they are hanging in it but they wont draw out the foundation it is not the crimp wire foundation it is the one with the plastic under the wax do bees hate to draw on this.


Brian D. Bray

I've always found it difficult to get bees to work the plastic coated foundation.  Even painting the frames wih syruup or more wax hasn't proved satisfactory.  
As to your nuc you have 2 choices, get a queen before they develop a laying worker or combine them.  I'd do the later, combine now for honey production purposes and then split come the fall (Leaving both hives with pleanty of stores) so that next spring you have 2 strong hives.
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. Should i unite the two together and let them be as one hive or should i order a new queen to requeen the hot hive both hives are the same

but hive two is not working like the first hive and the first hive has bees all on top of the frames and full of brood and doing well but they have not gone into the super at all they are hanging in

First, they are hanging and do not draw foundations:

1) The may think about swarming
2) colony is not big enough to occupy foundation box

--> Look for swarm cells
--> have you extra space
--> if there is no nectar flow they will not draw fiundations

Order new queen and change hot queen


I have thought about this alot both hives has young queens well i know my second hive has a young queen but the nuc which is now in a regular hive body has a old queen and i did not see anyyoung brood when i got them but i want to go all carni's. So i guess i will do just that i wanted to give them until the end of june to see if they will both build up enough to make it thru the winter. A s for the foundation i do have some crimp wire on hand and ready to be used should i take the other off and place this other on and see if they will move up. This is my first hive and i want to at  least get some honey for myself and some of my family members and why is my second hive is building up but they are not sending out as many workers and the third hive is bringing pollen and trying to build up.



Quote from: tom. So i guess i will do just that i wanted to give them until the end of june to see if they will both build up enough to make it thru the winter.

The  "build up enough for winter"  is very easy. You have there long summer there. We have here just apples in blossom.

If you change the queen it is better to do now.  It influnces on the yield of August if you have then nertar flow.

Don't be too modest. Look at this picture. Here is small colony 2 months ago it was snow in groud. Now this weekend it will have 3 boxes.

Colony is not able to raise so soon by it's own help. I gived 3 weeks ago emerging brood frames from bigger hives and so it got kick up.

Now I have 2 swarming hives. I take a box of bees from swarmin hive and I give third box which is empty.

I can do this the queen is good. And it is. I waist my bees if I nurse weak queen.  So you see that basic is the queen and you may help it.

So get the new queen as soon as possible and construct your hives on good basis. If queen is not good it does not get better by waiting.

It is delight for eyes when hive raises.

You should get hive to occupy one whole box. So it developes well. 5-frame colony is too slow to develope. You may take aid  from bigger hives.

Brian D. Bray

>>Finsky said: You may take aid from bigger hives.
Finsky interpreted: Barrow one or more frames of brood from one or more of you other hives to give it a boost and build it up quicker.
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