Almonds Anyone?

Started by Ben Framed, May 26, 2020, 01:29:42 PM

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Ben Framed

We all know that the Central Valley is one the if not the best almond producing places in the world. But, have any of you tried in other places in America?

From Gardens Eco.

Almond Trees and USDA Hardiness Zones
Growing Almonds in Other Zones
Can?t match the Central Valley?s climate? Not to worry ? many almond cultivars also perform acceptably in USDA zones 7 or 8. They include:

'All-in-One,' (zones 8-9; 400 chilling hours) is a semi-dwarf, self-pollinating tree that wants lots of summer heat. As a bonus, it cross-pollinates with all other cultivars.
'Garden Prince,' (zones 7-9; 250 chilling hours), another self-pollinating semi-dwarf, stands 10 to 12 feet tall. Regular summer pruning maintains it at 8 feet.
'Nonpareil,'(Zones 7 through 9; 400 chilling hours)adapts well to different growing conditions. Grow it with a cross-pollinator, such as 'All-in-One.'
Expert gardener's tip: To guarantee the almond trees you plant suit your hardiness zone, get ones started at a local nursery.


There must be many sub-species of almonds. 2 types grow wild where I live. Probably 400 almond trees growing wild in canyons and yards within 1/2 of my bees. ... the nuts are tasty! (On one type is tasty  - the other is bitter  :angry::grin:

The central valley has so many Almonds because the State of California has a $$$ interest in the crop ... they get a 17% tarrif on exports. Or so I've read. Almonds are fairly easy to grow in the right climate - my observation.
You cannot permanently help men by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves - Abraham Lincoln

Ben Framed

WoW, Yall have almonds running out of your ears lol. Must be nice.


I have two almond trees in my yard now.  I believe the variety is hal's hardy almond. 


Cao, you're in 6b, I'm in 6a.  No almonds here.  Lots of hickory nuts.  But I'll give it a try, what a difference a few miles make.
Almonds any good?


The almonds taste good but the shell is hard to crack. 

Ben Framed

I am at the border of zone 7 and 8. The Mississippi Delta which is close to me and zone 8,  has many pecan orchards. I am wondering how almonds would fare there.