What did you do in your Apiary/Bee yard today?

Started by NigelP, October 24, 2021, 08:58:21 AM

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Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


The main information is on post 1. It has changed a little. Now you just select the photo you want. Pick up to 4 photos and then hit save.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


I have finished cleaning all my cappings from last season.
It does take time but Les and I believe that clean beeswax will sell at a premium when we have to treat for varroa multiple times a year .

I slashed around the hives in all my  yards - looking nice and I may need to mow one more time before September. Winter is not far off and growth slows.
I think I got most of the gear ready I want to enter  in the local Agricultural Show.
It is quite competitive here with a lot of beekeepers around.
Having a First Prize certificate next to the honey does increase sales.
The local show is poorly organised and it does take time to enter.

I would like to enter a couple of capped frames but the weather has not been ideal to produce nice combs.

There was enough daylight to check on the cattle and do some weeding in the garden.
Work never ends on a farm.
I will try to add a photo - first time!




2nd Honey extraction of the season today and my darn extractor stops working. Electric motor won't turn the cage.  Rang the place I bought it from "can I bring in for repair", basically told no, we are far too busy with the likes of you who spent a grand on a big extractor.....customer service nil.....
Fortunately I know one of the guys who works there so rang him direct and he was able to diagnose what the problem probably was, the top bearing. To get at it spent entire morning stripping everything apart to just to get to bearing, and yup it was seized. It was a right ???? to get off.
Thank goodness for Amazon prime a pair of bearings ordered to arrive tomorrow, ?7.....
A new extractor would now set me back 1400 quid.

Ben Framed

That?s tough Nigel, it?s good you found the problem!

Terri Yaki

It was inadvertent and incidental but the bees quickly found the wheelbarrow full of algae that I skimmed off of my swimming pool as I prep it for the summer season. That stuff has to be like the MD 20/20 of drinking water.

Terri Yaki

Looking to tomorrow's chores. I'm going to inspect my nuc and see if I can arrange things properly. Last week, I made a new entrance reducer and gave them two doors to use. Pictures attached. The one on the left in the straight on picture is the top one on the side shot. The one on the left/top is used as an exit only and has some bees fanning there. The one on the right/bottom is used as a primary for the entrance with some exiting there and some fanning going on there. What's the consensus on just removing that board? BTW, temps are up into the 80s for now.

I'll be prepared to add another deep brood box if they look like they're ready. Should I pyramid it? They seem to be doing well enough, I can't even open the side port to look in any more because it's loaded with bees in there and they come out the hole when I open it up, making it hard to put back in without killing some.

I'm going to move the swarm hive tonight and leave it there and deal with whatever they do. They did perform orientation flights all day on Monday and I wish I'd have just left them in their new home in the first place. I was able to get a good look in the bottom box on that hive and I did not see a lot of activity down there nor did I see any comb being added to the frames. They are using the top entrance for the most part. That box is medium and I do want a deep there. Thoughts on what to do with that? And when should I inspect it?


Quote from: Terri Yaki on May 22, 2024, 07:32:29 PM
What's the consensus on just removing that board? BTW, temps are up into the 80s for now.
It depends on how much they are fanning and how congested the entrance seems.  Some fanning is not an indication of anything wrong, just bees working the A/C or removing moist air from curing honey/syrup.  If the entrance seems congested to the point that the fanners keep getting jostled from their positions, there are a lot of fanners (like, say, more than 5), or there is a crowd of bees waiting to enter, then I'd remove it.  If you do, absolutely remove the feed (which honestly, you are probably safe to do at this point anyway).  We are grazing the 80s now and I pulled the reducer from my largest colony this week.

Quote from: Terri Yaki on May 22, 2024, 07:32:29 PM
I'll be prepared to add another deep brood box if they look like they're ready. Should I pyramid it? They seem to be doing well enough, I can't even open the side port to look in any more because it's loaded with bees in there and they come out the hole when I open it up, making it hard to put back in without killing some.
I have never done the "pyramid scheme" :cheesy: (sorry, couldn't resist), so I can't speak to that.  It depends on how full of bees the hive seems.  Just based on how they looked last time and the growth curve they are likely on, I'm not even sure they are going to need another box, but you won't know how they really look in there until you open them up. 

Quote from: Terri Yaki on May 22, 2024, 07:32:29 PM
That box is medium and I do want a deep there. Thoughts on what to do with that? And when should I inspect it?
I also don't have experience with swarm traps, but I might be inclined to give them about a week without an inspection, just to allow them to get settled, but if all is well they should have brood in 4-5 days and by that time they won't abscond on you, so that would probably be a good minimum window.  But that's just what I'd do having never actually done it before.  :embarassed:  As far as switching out the box, you could either just trade it out if they aren't really in the medium, or if they are, you could add a deep underneath it when they need more room.  By that time, I'd assume your season would be far enough advanced that if that breaks up the brood nest, it would be okay. 
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.


Just finished alcohol wash tests for varroa. It still hasn?t arrived but it could arrive anytime. I won?t have to test now until spring. A few hives are struggling with little to no stores. I may move these hives to a location that will provide pollen and nectar stores during the winter period.

Terri Yaki

Hive inspection today and I added another brood box. Let me know if you think it's premature and should be pulled off. The top box was coming along pretty good. I'm still clueless so if you see anything that needs addressing, let me know. There is a part III this round but there's nothing valuable in it. I'll put it up later. I did forget to do the bottom box first, I'm forgetful that way.




Sorry it took me a while to watch your inspection, Ter.  I was away for most of yesterday, and I just was too tired to do anything last evening after I got home.  I was totally enjoying the classic rock!  I sang along to "Janie's Got a Gun" as I was watching, that's one of my favorite Aerosmith songs.  :cool: 

That frame you held up to the camera where you were questioning if it was brood or capped honey had brood in the middle and honey in a triangle on the outside edge.  In very light wax like that, the key is the opacity of the capping.  Honey cappings will be translucent, whereas the brood capping is opaque.  This is because the brood cappings have little pores in them so the larvae don't suffocate under the wax.  Also just remember that almost all of your nectar/honey is really just syrup, it's not real honey. 

Just for my 2 cents on the smoking, I think how much smoke you use is sort of like how much protection you put on, just smoke as much as you need to feel comfortable and to not kill bees.  The only critical comment I'd have is to just give them a moment to react to the smoke.  If you give them a couple of puffs, and then give them a couple of seconds to calmly walk down between the frames, they won't panic and take to the air to avoid the smoke. 

I think adding another box was fine based on how they looked.  What did you decide to do about their syrup?  Did you remove it or leave it on?               
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.

Terri Yaki

Thanks for taking the time to review it. I left the syrup on but figure it will be their last feeding unless I'm advised that they'll use it to build comb in the next box. I was surprised that they filled that deep as well as they did, I think it was only on for two weeks.

Ben Framed

Terri I watched your vid. I have a question, why are you continuing to feed? They seem to be well established and your flow is on?


Terri Yaki

Quote from: Ben Framed on May 26, 2024, 09:08:36 AM
Terri I watched your vid. I have a question, why are you continuing to feed? They seem to be well established and your flow is on?

Because I don't know any better. Also, I heard from several different people to feed as long as they keep taking it, as they prefer natural over sugar water and will stop taking it when there is enough of a natural flow. Somehow I got in my mind that they used it to build comb but I can't pinpoint where I got that Idea. Those jars are about empty and will be empty today and will not get refilled.

Thanks for reviewing my video, I appreciate the input.

Ben Framed

lol I didn?t meant the question in a way that you do not know better.   :grin: You are learning and learning fast for which I commend you!
I have also been told the bees will use it to make comb. I am asking for the consideration of honey itself in case you are planning on pulling honey this year. From what I?ve been told the bees will use excess sugar water to make adulterated honey, (which is not honey at all) according to the discussions which were going on here when I first started.
Several members were really adamant about the difference and frowned on sugar water honey verses natural nectar honey which is understandable. .


Terri Yaki

I was just giving the upfront and honest answer.  :grin: I don't anticipate honey this year so if I get any to steal, I'll feel lucky. If I do, I won't be selling any and I made sugar water as a kid so I'd probably like sugar honey just the same. Is there much of a difference in taste between sugar honey and nectar honey?


Quote from: Terri Yaki on May 26, 2024, 09:20:54 AM
Somehow I got in my mind that they used it to build comb but I can't pinpoint where I got that Idea. Those jars are about empty and will be empty today and will not get refilled.
I think that's a wise choice at this point.  Bees will only draw comb when there is a flow on, so by feeding them when they arrived, you mimicked a flow to get them going.  But now that they have 2 boxes basically drawn, they have enough comb to do what they need to do with the naturally cycle of your flows.  So they will now draw when there is a flow, but not draw when there is a dearth.  Does that make sense? 

Quote from: Terri Yaki on May 26, 2024, 11:00:35 AM
I was just giving the upfront and honest answer.  :grin: I don't anticipate honey this year so if I get any to steal, I'll feel lucky. If I do, I won't be selling any and I made sugar water as a kid so I'd probably like sugar honey just the same. Is there much of a difference in taste between sugar honey and nectar honey?
I haven't eating any significant quantity of stored syrup (for obvious reasons), but I'd imagine it would have hardly any flavor.  It's the nectar that determines the flavor of the honey.  Stored syrup is not honey, either factually or legally.  Adulterated honey, honey with some syrup mixed in, is also not legally honey, but it probably wouldn't be noticeably different from pure honey (which is why it ends up on grocery store shelves far too often).         
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.

Ben Framed

My question asking Terri about a flow in his area was asked with comb building in mind as well as any other reasons he might have for feeding (at this time). It seems reasonable to assume Terri does have a flow going at this time of year? Many beekeepers do. But just in case he may not have a flow in his area, and if he is in a dearth, then sure, help then. If he is in a flow it is not necessary. But if it makes him feel better then go for it especially since he does not plan to seek honey.  I do think since he is new to beekeeping and serious about learning as he is, the heads up about adulterated honey might be of interest to him.
And perhaps not of interest to him alone, the information might be interesting to other newer members as well as some of our thousands of guest.

Terri I watched your vid. I have a question, why are you continuing to feed? They seem to be well established and your flow is on?
