Don`t lock one out of posting a reply. I may be passionate

Started by Anonymous, June 17, 2006, 04:12:20 AM

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But I am civil!

 (suggest you take those diseased ridden parasite breeding foul contraptions you call hives and burn them with gasoline until there is nothing but ashes left - you don't seem to be happy with their honey, pollen, nectar, propolis, cell formation, larva growth, workerbee health or demeanor, and god forbid the horrid witch of a queen who is spreading black death to the known world. Die hive die, before man itself becomes extinct from its septic existence.

Point being - you got what you got, treat them with what is available and somehow (maybe while holding your nose and praying) swallow down their putrid belly vomit the rest of us call honey.

Glad you are into nutrition and not a health class teacher, imagine the sex-ed class you'd teach. Not even adults would share the same Pepsi by time YOU were done with them. I assume you could find 40 ways to die from abstinence)

                                                                                                                               This sounds like someone from NJ?  Very rude. not much positive either.
(I don`t feed my girls denatured sugar or toxic fat!)
            don`t be afraid, don`t lock it down! freedom is the best way to go!


The joke i was making about locking it down referred to that post and not your ability to post. As long as you remain civil, there should be no reason why you cannot post here. However.... A word to the wise... If you get too argumentive and handle every post in the same manor the other post was handled, many here will just ignore you and thats as bad as being locked out...

I for one welcome the opportunity to see you grow into this hobby and maybe even change your mind about some issues as I did...
Computer Tech, Beekeeper, Hunter = Hi-Tech Redneck


(for one welcome the opportunity to see you grow into this hobby and maybe even change your mind about some issues as I did...)

               And I will live and learn....... but a OPEN discussion is not open if someone decides to lock down my thread and i can`t reply. (Notice that that thread IS locked down.

  ( handle every post in the same manor the other post was handled, many here will just ignore you and thats as bad as being locked out...)

     Agree, but let the people decide, not the Administration. Who`s reply I thought was vulgar and crude.


Quote from: JerseyBees(for one welcome the opportunity to see you grow into this hobby and maybe even change your mind about some issues as I did...)

               And I will live and learn....... but a OPEN discussion is not open if someone decides to lock down my thread and i can`t reply. (Notice that that thread IS locked down.

  ( handle every post in the same manor the other post was handled, many here will just ignore you and thats as bad as being locked out...)

     Agree, but let the people decide, not the Administration. Who`s reply I thought was vulgar and crude.

Since I do not want to be accused of troll feeding here I want to make a couple of things clear here.
1. I was one who reported your last thread to the site admin. I doubt I was the only one.
2. I like debate but it must be productive not like an episode of Jerry Springer.
3. This site is not a democracy it is run by beemaster, they are his forums and he can do what he wants with them. You don't like it to bad.
4. You are first year beekeeper who is not coming off as civil but arrogant.

There are many different ways for people to keep bees. Some do so based on experience, some do based on books, some do so based on law.
Finisky and Michael Bush probably two of the smartest beekeepers in this forums have very different ways of keeping bees. They do what works for them. The method I use is different from both of them. I however respect both of their opinions even when it is different from mine.

Beekeepers who use chemicals may need to or have to. Don't make judgements about them or their methods. If you want to keep them one way do so but do knock the ways others do. The forums here are to spread a wide variety of knowledge. Not one specfic manner.

My suggestion is you let this thread go.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible



A word from management on this and then enough said, please.

I banned Jerseybees. He/she bums me out - I hate negativity and it drags me down. I spend 30 minutes each day deleting spammers and I reply to about 15 email a day from members with issues with either other members or posts.

I didn't lock the post because of anything High-Tech or anyone else said - it was getting beat to death and needed to end. Then Jerseybees WENT OUT OF HIS/HER way to RESPARK a dead topic, not a wise thing to do. It was THEN I BANNED HIM.

Everyone has the right to have and voice options, but same goes when it comes to choosing WHAT is allowed and not - and ALTHOUGH IT IS TRUE JERSEYBEES wasn't nasty about anything, I got a bad feeling that "if it isn't one peeing contest, it will be another" so I took the easy ban method and I now see that I need to use the HARD BAN METHOD.

FRANLKLY JERSEYBEES you bum me out - I get bad vibes from your negative energy and without playing Board God here - I choose to NOT have you around here - sorry but I retain that option, others may disagree and I can understand they may disagree with that decision, but I have rights, you have privileges here.

Am I the bad guy, ok... I'm the bad guy. But with you gone, my KARMA LEVEL has risen a few levels and I know a sunny day will fill the skies of an otherwise cloudy one.

I wrote all this already, now I'm saying it again. It is the last time too - I'm bust trying to protect everyone from the BAD GUYS, I don't need to have to weigh the merits of positive and negative members too - nothing personal Jerseybees, I wish you luck, I just don't want to sit here anticipating your next bummer statement and all your bummer replies. Not any more, can't play head games like that.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.


Quote(suggest you take those diseased ridden parasite breeding foul contraptions you call hives and burn them with gasoline until there is nothing but ashes left - you don't seem to be happy with their honey, pollen, nectar, propolis, cell formation, larva growth, workerbee health or demeanor, and god forbid the horrid witch of a queen who is spreading black death to the known world. Die hive die, before man itself becomes extinct from its septic existence.

Dare I ask what would make you say such senseless things about honeybees?  Beekeepers can be weird by most standards and maybe even passionate but, you sir/m'am, you just make me sick.  By keeping bees in our hives we reduce/eliminate the possibility of highly contagious diseases (just look at how far down the rates of AFB are compared to where they were in the early 1800s.).  While some colonies may have a poor deminor or something wrong with health that is no reason to just kill is a reason to help them through it.  IF YOUR SON GOT THE FLU...WOULD YOU KILL HIM BECAUSE OF IT?  NOOO...YOU'D HELP IN EVERY WAY YOU COULD.  Honey bees are highly higenic and are not "disease riddeen breeding foul contraptions"  Maybe I over personify this insect but, you fill me with discust for your lack of respect for this insect.  MAY FOOD TURN TO ASH IN YOUR MOUTH!!!


Quote from: Apis629

I might kill my wife though because it sure as hell wouldn't be my kid.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


I though you were just trading her for a good queen :lol:


I hope I wasn't assisting in the problem. At first, I wasn't sure what a troll was but even us slow Alabama beekeepers get it eventually. I promise not to feed trolls anymore since I now know what they are and what they eat.

My apologies Beemaster...
Computer Tech, Beekeeper, Hunter = Hi-Tech Redneck


Well said and well done Mr. Clayton-You are not the bad guy-someone has forced you to do your job on account of thier agenda. Its so darn hard to be politically correct nowdays, but rest assured, a lot of us totally agree with your fair call on this one.
The person who walks in another's tracks leaves NO footprints.



Thanks for the kind words - I don't mind healthy debate, but the only droning on and on should be in the hives not the forum - I don't know what Jerseybees agenda was but I do believe he had one.

I read Apis statement just a bit above yours and wondered if Apis took the time to read ANY of this topic and the previous one BEFORE misquoting me (okay I said every word - but it was parable) did not thou understand so Apis? If anyone here is a sick freak (and Apis I am not calling you one - you did a fine job yourself) it is you.

APIS (who IN ANY OTHER FORUM would be chopped up and spit out) will be given a moment to come to the reality that he /she has no idea what the topic was nor why I wrote what I wrote - then AFTER I GET AN APPOLOGY Apis can continue on as a good an productive member - if not I'll use his content out of context and let's see who sounds like the SICKER PERSON HERE. I just promise you Apis, somehow you missed one entire post with about 8 replies I deleted and the meaning of this one escapes you because of it. I strongly suggest you know what you are talking about before shoving your foot in it again.

To fill you in, I was capsulising what Jerseybee was saying about our bees and how we keep them NOT making opinion of my own - the point being that if this hobby is so disgusting to him, WHY does he participate in the first place. OKAY we feed our bees FAT, and it probably isn't part of their intended diet - but GET THE FIRETRUCK OVER IT JERSEYBEE. That was the point Apis - if you still don't get it, you never will.

But anyways Latebee :) Like it or not I'm the fall-guy here. "Build it... and they will come" and surely they did, some hiked a great metaphorical trail to get here, others bummed a ride - but we literally have one of every kind of personality and that is great, I need to take advice from members and mods, as well as my own formed opinions on what is content and what is crap - flushing the crap is NEVER a problem, it is sometimes misunderstood because not everyone always knows what is happening behind the scenes.

Thanks for your support in this and to quote my dad "Not every oyster has pearls in it, but some clams do!"

Hi-Tech don't sweat anything, you did nothing wrong. I received several complaint letters about Jerseybees - people were getting nauseous listening to the whining - what people don't know (and I haven't mentioned until now) is I wrote Jerseybee and asked to calm the gloom and doom on how "man is natures worse nightmare" - of course we are, but get over it already. Jerseybee continued a campaign which I saw exceed communication and debate, and become pulpetting and I saw no end to it coming. Once I get negative vibes from someone, I react to it - often in the most fair way I can, but sometimes I need to nip it in the bud BECAUSE it bums me out and it brings BAD KARMA to our peaceful, relaxing and meditative hobby. I'm not spouting BS, one bad apple DOES spoil the whole bunch.

EACH AND EVERY POST by Jerseybee harped the same message - it wasn't far from an infomercial. So rest easy, don't lose any sleep over Jerseybee, I'm sure you'll see him on Public Access Channel 21 sooner or later.

APIS: if you had ever came at any member FOR ANY REASON like that OTHER THAN ME - I would have booted you WITHOUT NOTICE. Please consider that - I'm pretty liberal at what people say to me, but you will not EVER treat a member of the forum like that without banishment.

I don't want you to go anywhere and I'm not treating you like a child - just LEARN HOW DEEP THE POOL IS BEFORE YOU JUMP IN - you are way off base on this one.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.


Beemaster, I am not sure, but I believe that Apis thought that quote was directly from Jerseybees, not a paraphrase from you.

Anyway, thanks for banning the troll.  :)


Indiana Brown:

IF THAT IS THE CASE - then I HUMBLY APPOLOGISE to APIS - since the quote he noted was MY WRITING and no reference to Jerseybees was made, I take it as a letter from Apis to ME, it still appears that way - but as you say, Apis may have thought Jerseybees wrote my purposefully pomp-ass quote, or Apis took my quote as fact not fiction.

In any case, I love beekeeping and I know if it weren't for beekeepers (whether they feed fatty patties to their bees or not) are keeping honeybees alive. Honeybees need man more than ever and that is not BECAUSE of man's interferences in nature - we are very destructive creatures, I'll give Jerseybee that much. But to APIS I'll say, your reply IF MEANT TOWARD ME as it appeared was overly unnecessary - if you had assumed the quote was meant as fact it was not, it was meant to show Jerseybee how foolish his banter was ESPECIALLY since his cause was meritous.

I don't known Indiana, I'm just a confused guy who mostly ends fights, not picks them. I just finished deleting over 20 spam-members and did my usual run around the posts to see what's up in bee-land. I surely hope a guy with nearly 1000 posts wouldn't attack the host as appeared, I indeed hope you are right and somewhere a SNAFU worked its way into the conversation.

A lot of this could have been because of LOCKING the first post and replies - I did and then Jerseybees wouldn't let it go, and along came a second post MINUTES after the first was locked. THEN I BANNED JERSEYBEES, for rekindling the flame.

All I know is in ONE DAY this topic will be deleted, any further commentary is welcome until then - but once it is gone, let's let it rest in peace. :)
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.


I am SO SORRY Mr. Clayton.  I thought it was a quote from Jerrseybeees and was writing in response.  I have to admit that I missed the "I don't feed my bees denatured sugar or toxic fat" thread and, I wasn't sure this was connected to it.  I was writing in responce to what I thought, at the time, jerrseybees had writen.  I'm sure it fit perfectly well into context of the other thread.  I just can't emphesize in words how sorry I am for saying such harsh words without knowing who I was saying it about.  Once again, I'd like to offer my sincearest appologies and, I'd understand if this is grounds for my banishment.


Quote from: Apis629I am SO SORRY Mr. Clayton.  I thought it was a quote from Jerrseybeees and was writing in response.  I have to admit that I missed the "I don't feed my bees denatured sugar or toxic fat" thread and, I wasn't sure this was connected to it.  I was writing in responce to what I thought, at the time, jerrseybees had writen.  I'm sure it fit perfectly well into context of the other thread.  I just can't emphesize in words how sorry I am for saying such harsh words without knowing who I was saying it about.  Once again, I'd like to offer my sincearest appologies and, I'd understand if this is grounds for my banishment.

Apis, John is a Better Man than to Banish someone for some misunderstanding, I know I'm over stepping my bounds but I am sure he will understand, just that Jersey was warned and didn't get it.... sorry all but some reason I had to say something......... guest Im starting to get like my wife and butt in every now and then, my apologies

Never be afraid to try something new.
Amateurs built the ark,
Professionals built the Titanic



I'm glad that our problem is a misunderstanding - nothing to forgive, no harm, no foul :) I understand that these quotes, etc., can get confusing at times and something seemed too WIRED and WEIRD in your reply. I felt something was misunderstood and I take blame for exaggerating to the extreme what Jerseybees should do to his hives since beekeeping is such a filthy and unhealthy vocation. I've been warned before by the Mods to MOVE POSTS rather than DELETE THEM, some day I'll learn that mods are always right :) Again Apis, glad that all is fine, thanks to Indiana Brown for opening my eyes to a possible error gone wild too!!!

Jerseybees couldn't wait to run and post this at Bee-source:

(the beemaster's international forum site.)

That site has banded me . Not for being rude or vulgar. For being passionate. The administrator was saying disgusting rude vulgar crap and with a juvenile sense of humour, which was funny only in his warped mind. He said stuff like vomit putrid honey, put gasoline on my hives and why don`t you just do it like everyone else (he`s from NJ, it figgers) So I told him what I thought of what he said. In a direct, firm not hysterical manner.

I replied to him in a PM at Bee-source (which tells him I will be posting my message here in our forums) the message reads I wrote to him reads:

Your passion on this topic is admirable, but your delivery is nauseating and a true bummer - enjoy this forum, it is a good one.

You were NOT banned because of your content, you chose to rekindle a topic that was getting beat to death to the point I locked it - yet you chose to carry on again and with an attitude in the topic header. Sorry pal, but where I come from THAT is disrespectful to all you stand before in our forums.

I received several complaints from members with a lot more merit than you show. As a new member you should have a little more respect, even if you think you bring a lot of knowledge to the table DOESN'T buy you brownie points.

This letter is posted in my forum for members to read - I truly hope you don't modify it to serve your own agenda.

Have a good life.

I would not reply to his post in Bee-source's forum, I wouldn't drag my dirty laundry to another fine and admirable forum such as theirs. However, it is a topic here and you all deserve to see how it plays out - as members you are kept in the loop as much as possible without dragging you through the ugly stuff that no one should see. Honestly though I'm proud to say that we have very little trash in our waste cans, just ask any of the mods - members here are very easy to assist and rarely do problems enter in.

Jerseybees of course is welcome to bash away, at least it won't be here that he does it :)

So we have titted for tatting and what is done is done. I have had enough of Jerseybees. He can continue on about how nuts I am all he wants, I will not quote either me or him again here.

APIS - thanks for being understanding during this trying post-athon. I'm glad all is fine and as TWT said, I might have strange reasons for banning people at times - disagreeing with me is NEVER one of them. Peace :)

PS.... I rearranged this post AFTER posting it an hour or so again for clarity reasons, I was all over the place with the content and it was confusing - hopefully this is a clearer version - no quoted content was changed in any means, just the way I put this post together.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.


Shalom, my friends.  Been reading these two posts since they started.     The future of beekeeping depends on our unity. We all love the bees, and that's what counts.
People will accept your ideas much more readily if you tell them Benjamin Franklin said it first.
- David H. Comins


I wouldn't worry too much about JerseyBees. With his attitude toward beekeeping and nature in general, I figure his hives will be dead by spring...  Poor honeybees, Jerseybees was right after all, man will be the death of his bees.
Computer Tech, Beekeeper, Hunter = Hi-Tech Redneck


My opinion is that this kind of forum is first of all source of information. Information means that it is based on something knowledge, not mere opinions or attitudes. Of course everyone has them, at least beekeeper.

To many beekeeping is "attitude", "philosophy" and what ever. But I believe that most  try to nurse bees and get honey to sell. Who is able to consume the yield of one hive? Beekeeping is expencive hobby if you do not get honey and no incomes. Then it is same how you keep you bees on backyards.

We have a lot of marvellous knowledge and we can succeed with it. Cast knowlegde away and what you have?  I cannot understand if internet is the source of noninformation. What is the idea of that?  Hours and hours writing  PIIP-stories.

Many try to learn seriously to nurse bees. Beginning is difficult. Too many things to be learned without experience.  We offer too many difficult tricks  to first year beekeeper and often they are ready to put upside down whole beekeeping "philosophy" even if they have not hives.

When you know little, you know everything
