I just can't go on vacation!!!

Started by Apis629, June 18, 2006, 12:19:19 AM

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I finally got to check the last of my hives after 3 weeks from all the traveling I've done and, wouldn't you know it, I take off the cover and am greeted not by the sweet odor of honey from a flow but, by a smell simmilar to rotton oranges after rotting in the Florida sun.  This was my largest colony and, they had stored away 3 full mediums of honey.  Now, this is all sitting as mush in the bottom of my trashcan or, just sitting out hoping the bees will rob it.  I had wax moth larvae and SHB larvae covering everything.  I have to say that I'm glad I went and bought plastic foundation 'cause, I would not look forward to re-wiring 30 frames.  I think I got about 8 frames that didn't look too bad so, those have been sitting out near some of the hives and I'm hoping they'll rob most of it back.  I guess that Understudy will soon tell me that I should have gone with SuperCell but, I just don't like all plastic.  From what I can tell, they swarmed while I was gone and couldn't deffend the extra area.  I guess "good ridens to bad rubish" as they say...not about the bees but, that queen was terrible.  The bees could never maintain a good brood pattern for more than a week or two in spring and, only drew out 4 of the frames in the brood box.  I was planning on replacing that queen anyways, but, not on losing 30,000 + in the process.  Odd thing is that everything seems to enjoy eating the larvae.  While I was cleaning up the frames, a blue jay landed about 7 feet from me and began pecking at the frames and a few dozen lizzards (which are ever so common here) kept comming and retreating with half of a squirming worm in their mouths.  I guess I learned my lesson and try to share it with all; EXTRACT BEFORE VACATION!!!

Attempt to be optomistic:

Ah well, at least now these worms will die getting me some good fish  :lol:


This sounds like a good reason to set up swarm lures.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible

Brian D. Bray

Winter vacations sounds good to me.  
How far before your departure had you supered the hives.  Swarming with 3 supers indicates a swarm due to overcrowding, which would have meant the swarm ing process would have already started before you left.  I think I would have added an extra super.  I often add 2 or 3 at a time in order to keep up with the volume of a good honey flow and then add 2 more as they are beginning to fill last of those.
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when I go vacation I usually have supers on, so if they swarm they just swarm, Im on vacation ;) , try to inspect before leaving and its alway better to have swarm lures out anytime just incase, but that doesn't mean you will catch every swarm.... but thats life ;) , enjoy your vacation, thats what they are for  :D

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I just checked them the day before I left and added another super.  I didn't find any queen cells or cups (and I looked awfully hard).  There were really 4 supers on the hive but, 3 were filled with honey before I left.  Two frames of the super I added were drawn but all the others were still foundation.  Also, I though they wouldn't swarm untill they drew out all the frames in the brood box.

Brian D. Bray

>>Also, I though they wouldn't swarm untill they drew out all the frames in the brood box.

They say that to assume is to make an ass out of u and me.  Bees will swarm when they want to, there are things one can do to reduce the likely hood but don't beat on anyone thing preventing it.
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