New Package-when to release the queen

Started by Richhitch57, May 09, 2022, 12:28:38 AM

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I just received my new 3lbs package of bees with a queen. I did the dump and go method yesterday morning. I have a top feeder with sugar water and peeked in on them about 8am this morning. Just lifted the cover to see the feeder and there were lots of be slurping up the syrup. When should I release the queen. Weird thing was, there were no nurse bee in the cage with her?????

Ben Framed

Welcome to Beemaste Richhitch57 !
Personally I have not dealt with packages so I will ask; Was the bees shipped to you? Are their attendant bees with the queen? How long has the package and bees been together all time together including shipping etc? 

Their is an older gentleman who has a youtube channel that says if you spray the queen with a mixture of sugar water and Honey Bee Healthy, as well as lightly spraying the framed bees, you can release any queen imminently. Not only will she not fly away, but she will be readily accepted. He says he has never lost a queen using this method. His name is Tim Durham. Now keep in mind I have not tried this, while also remembering I have not dealt with packages. So really I can not uphold nor denounce this method for lack of first hand experience. Wishing you the best!



Welcome to Beemaster.
One way of knowing for sure if they will accept her is to pick up the cage and with a bare finger, slowly slide your finger across the screen. If the bees are still in attack mode, then they will bee biting the screen and you cannot move them. If they are just feeding and getting her pheromones, they easily move out of the way.
I know it sounds scary using a bare finger for a new beekeeper, but as long as you don?t crush a bee when you pick the cage up then you will bee fine.
Smoke your hands real good before you start.
It is much better to get used to working with out leather gloves from the start. You cannot feel the bees under the gloves and you will crush them and then they will sting them he gloves. The gloves will have sting pheromones all over them and every time you put the gloves in the hive you are getting them agitated.  Hope this helps.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


Welcome to Beemaster, Richhitch57!  :happy:  What kind of queen cage did you get?  Does it have sugar candy in one end for a slow release?  If so, that's a good way to release a queen if you are worried about them accepting her, because the workers will chew her our at their own pace.  If the cage doesn't have it's own candy, you could also try inserting a mini marshmallow into the opening if you'd like to try a slow release. 
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.


Leave the cage corked for 4 days, placed in the middle of the hive, 2 inch down from the top bar of the frame.  On the 5th day go in.  Pull the cork out and stuff the hole with marshmallow. Put the marshmallow in your mouth to get it wet and sticky.  Make sure the marshmallow is smeared in as a tight spongy fit, it must be in there good and sticky.  Use a big marshmallow so it takes up the whole hole. Minis are sometimes too small and do not fill the void, they fall out.  Eat what is left of the marshmallow.  Put the cage back in the same place, same frame.  Close up the hive and walk away.  Stay away, do not disturb.  Go back 10 days after the marshmallow date and find a nice patch of developing brood - and start your beekeeping adventure.
Feed 1:1 syrup continuously from day 1. Also feed a pollen supplement (patty) on marshmallow day. 

Hope that helps!
When the lid goes back on, the bees will spend the next 3 days undoing most of what the beekeeper just did to them.


Michael Bush

They often don't put attendants in queens that are in packages.  The bees will feed her through the screen.  I would have released her when I installed them.  Anytime is fine.
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