Varroa in Australia

Started by Oldbeavo, July 08, 2022, 06:32:48 AM

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I know this is a rehash of a topic i posted but i think it is too important to drop off the bottom of the list.
If you go back and read "News from Oz" you will get some back ground.

At present there are 34 infected sites that are all in one area, the outlying site is connected to the sites in the original out break.
The authorities are still working towards eradication.

If you google "DPI NSW varroa update" you will get onto the website with all the information.

We are only 3 weeks from almond pollination, so there is alot of anxious bee keepers. Also some scared BK's, because if they don't get this right the almonds will be a super spreader event.


Oldbeavo, max2 has sort of a master thread of updates on varroa in your country in the Australian section of the forum which we have just stickied.  We are hoping that thread can be the permanent place for keeping tabs on the situation, both for Australians who are seeking to be informed and up to date on the topic, and others from other parts of the world who are simply following along and seeking to help in any way we can.  Please feel free to contribute to that thread with any information you'd like to share. 
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.