strange reaction to a sting

Started by phill, July 14, 2022, 02:46:25 PM

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Can anybody help me understand this?

I've been stuck many many times, usually with (at most) a normal reaction: itching and some swelling around the site of the sting. But twice, now, I've had a very strange reaction.

Several years ago I was stung on the thigh. I didn't do anything about it for a while, because I was in the middle of things and wasn't concerned. Within an hour, there was visible swelling-- not on my thigh but on one side of my jaw! By the end of the day it looked as if my jaw was broken. I'm quite sure I hadn't been stung there.

Since then, nothing out of the ordinary. I've been stung several times with no real effect. Then today it happened again. This time I was stung near the ankle, and even though I got the stinger out right away,  and took some Benedryl, I quickly started to swell up in exactly the same place: the right side of my jaw. Not as much swelling this time, but enough to notice.

This is a lot better than the scary systemic reactions that other people report. But it's just very strange. Has anyone had a similar experience? Can anyone venture a guess about what's going on?


That is odd.  Any swelling away from the sting site is cause for concern, especially around the face or neck area.  Could it be a lymph node swelling?  Perhaps your lymphatic system is responding to the sting for some reason.  It is possible to get an infection from a bee sting, either from the bee or simply from bacteria entering your broken skin at the sting sight.  Are you having any other symptoms of an infection (fatigue, fever, chills, etc.)?     
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Ben Framed

Hi Phill, The15thMembers' reply covered much good ground. Since I have been a member here, the subject of bees stings and the effects of bee stings, have came up at lest two or three times. A couple of those topics where met with several interesting replies. I had something similar on my first cutout. I was stung on the hands yet I was wearing a ventilated jacket. Even though I was not stung on my upper body, my eyes turned blood shot red. The lady of the home was a nurse and gave me Benadryl.  I wasn't too concerned because she also had an epipen on hand just in case. I kept working until the job was finished. I was new to bees and I counted it off that my body was not use to bee venom. After that I soon had few problems and got to the point that stings hardly effect me, when stung regularly (except for the pain and aggravation lol). It only happened once, I personally did not give it much thought after that. 

In your case having it happen twice, with the same symptoms I think you are correct in seeking answers. How often are you stung? Daily, Weekly, Bi Weekly, etc. ?
My reason for asking;
I have noticed when I go all winter without getting stung, I will swell the first few stings in the Spring but then things are back to normal until the next Winter.

It might not be a bad idea for you to make an appointment with an immunologist. In the mean time maybe one or more of our fellow members here at Beemaster with similar experiences as yours will share. Keep us posted please.  I am interested in what you find out.



Thanks for those thoughts:

- 15th, that idea occurred to me: maybe there's a lymph node that is vulnerable for some reason. No other signs of infection-- and remember, in this case, the swelling was 5 feet away from the site of the sting.

- Ben, I'm not stung often because after the first incident I began suiting up whenever I check the hives. But in fact I was stung a couple of weeks ago, with virtually no reaction.

Michael Bush

Not all stings are created equal.  And if you're taking other medication when you got stung it affects how you react.  It seems like Tylenol is the worst at making a reaction worse.
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