Jeff Horchoff Bees; Separating Wax

Started by Ben Framed, August 05, 2022, 09:07:51 AM

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Ben Framed

Wax Produced from over 4200 pounds of Honey!

"With all our honey frames run through the extraction process, the next step is to separate the wax from the honey, and to do this, I use our honey/wax separator. The drums are full of honey, and on top of the honey is all the wax cappings that were removed during the processing. I simply skim the layer of wax, in some cases it was over 7 inches thick, and shovel it into our honey/wax separator machine. As the machine spins around, the honey is pushed through the wax lining the drum and separates out. With the honey removed from the wax, it is then stored inside garbage cans ready to be rendered. A very interesting process, and I hope you will enjoy watching it. Until the next time, God's peace to all."     

Jeff Horchoff (Mr Ed)
