question about DIY protein rich beefood

Started by bladeer01, September 17, 2022, 08:43:06 AM

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first , i'm french , so excuse my english , since it's not perfect yet ( and probably will never be )

in france , flour use ( like soy floor ) is not used much ( outside of proffesional ready to use beefood )

doing some ( well , a lot ) of googling on the subject i found that the DIY used supplement to make protein rich beefood are mostly :

- soyflour ( lot of  different soy flourb ased on the making method )
-yeast  ( here beer yeast is starting to be acknowleged as a reliable item to make your own beefood )

some pro maker use some egg protein ( albumine )

looking for vegetable , protein rich flour , i found that exept soy , there is lupine seed flour ;

anyone could help me , explaining , why choose or forget either those ?

ps : i listed only the easy to buy component :)


Ben Framed

Ben Framed

When I began beekeeping I also did a lot of googling, seeking information of making my own pollen supplement. After 'much' research and questions, I came to the conclusion that Ultra Bee was the best choice for me.



Quote from: Ben Framed on September 17, 2022, 10:13:29 AM
When I began beekeeping I also did a lot of googling, seeking information of making my own pollen supplement. After 'much' research and questions, I came to the conclusion that Ultra Bee was the best choice for me.


thanks , i'll wait for other people to speak , but the cost/quality ratio of this one seem realy great


Welcome to Beemaster.
I?ll see what I can find here on BeeMaster. I?m sure we have a few threads on making beebread.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin



I would recommend blends that have been professionally designed and are used by the professionals. 
If you can get either of these products in your area, that would be your best route to take:
   - Ultra Bee, in powder form
   - Bee Pro, in powder form

By getting the feed in powder form then you can add other things you want when mixing the cakes for the hives.  My typical blend is Ultra Bee powder, thick syrup, some canola or soy oil to keep it soft, and -other- specific things such as medications when necessary.

Go to this link for a deep dive into bee nutrition;  what works, when it works, why or why not it works, and various concoctions that have been tried.  If you are serious about feeding bees and want to do it correctly - It is worth the time to read through ALL (old and new) articles found at:

Hope that helps.
When the lid goes back on, the bees will spend the next 3 days undoing most of what the beekeeper just did to them.

Michael Bush

What is important is not so much protein amount as the actual profile of amino acids.  Bees need a variety of amino acids to raise healthy brood.
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Ben Framed

Yes amino acids are important not only for brood raising, but for aiding in the bees gut health as well.


Quote from: Michael Bush on September 21, 2022, 01:55:42 PM
What is important is not so much protein amount as the actual profile of amino acids.  Bees need a variety of amino acids to raise healthy brood.