Sad Day

Started by buzzbee, October 17, 2022, 06:42:15 PM

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It is with great sorrow I received news today of the passing of Bud1.
I know not everyone here knows him,but for a lot of us it was  him that gave opportunity for so many of us to meet and greet each other in the early Beemaster gatherings in Macon,MS
He was a kind host and a great friend over the years.
He will be greatly missed by us that knew and loved him.
Rest in piece my friend.

Ben Framed

Ken, Bud was before my time here at Beemaster. Still I have enjoyed reading his post from days past and reading of the Bud bee events which he hosted. I and am sorry for his passing.  As a side note, my Uncle from Macon, Ms. knew Bud.



 RIP Bud Watt

     BEE HAPPY  Jim134  );
"Tell me and I'll forget,show me and I may  remember,involve me and I'll understand"
        Chinese Proverb

"The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways."
John F. Kennedy
Franklin County Beekeepers Association MA.


another long time friend gone bummer rest in peace old friend
vegetarian???  isn't green stuff for growing meat?
I'm now KL4GU general ham

Ben Framed

Below you will 'hear' Bud1, the narrator/cameraman recording  Beemaster1 as he was greeted and welcomed to Mississippi, at the airport at the beginning of a BUD EVENT with Geoff sneaking up from behind all the way form Australia. lol  :grin: These folks were good friends to each other, as well as many here at Beemaster.  Bud1 and Geoff will be missed by many.