Started by Michael Bush, February 01, 2023, 01:16:15 PM

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Michael Bush

What?s worse than a box full of snakes?
A box that was SUPPOSED to be full of snakes.

Did you hear about the snake who worked for the government?
He was a civil serpent.

     Noah built an ark and brought a pair of each animals on board to survive a flood. When the ark ran aground Noah told the animals to go forth and multiply.
     The snakes told Noah ?We can?t multiply, we?re adders.?
     Noah gathered some driftwood tree trunks and built a platform for the snakes. Even adders can multiply when given a log table.

Two snakes are slithering down the road & chatting.
Snake #1: Oh, boy. I hope I'm not venomous...
Snake #2: Wait, what? Why?
Snake #1: Because I just bit my tongue.

Chuck Norris was once bitten by a cobra snake. After 3 long days of suffering, the snake died.

I saw a snake that was 3.14159 metres long
I suppose it was a π thon

I?ve just finished writing a book on snakes.
Turns out, it would have been much easier if I?d just written in on paper?

I asked my friend what kind of snake he has
He said he had a python
I asked "how long is it, how many feet?"
He said "none, it's a snake"

What do you call a snake that builds?
A boa-constructor

What sound does a german snake make

What do you call a snake without any clothes on?
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


Speaking of snakes,...

You all read that Nancy Pelosi had a priest perform an exorcism to cleanse her house and keep evil demons away.

Well, the exorcism worked.

But now she can no longer enter the home.

Not a lie!

(Don't tell GWW)



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Terri Yaki

Spiders don't bother me but I am not the least bit fond of snake encounters. But I don't feel the need to eradicate them, they serve a good purpose.

Ben Framed

Have any of you who lives in rural areas noticed a good yard dog feels the need to eradicate them all? He doesnt care if they are poisonous or not. He instinctively knows something is sinister about each one. He is precautions and on his toes when encountering any snake without prejudiced or being taught. His God given instincts tell him something is definitely wrong with a snake.

Terri Yaki

I never noticed that with ours as a kid and don't have any anymore. We had Great Danes and they were pretty impressive hunters of squirrels, groundhogs pulled right out of their borrows and even pulled a pheasant out of the air once. Like a cat, she always left her prey at the back door but I never saw a snake there. In my area, all they would have been would be garter snakes. I feel bad when I hit one of then with the weedeater.

Ben Framed

Ok, lol,  I will rephrase, have any of you who live in rural areas with a >variety of snakes< noticed that a >good< yard dog feels the need to eradicate them all? He doesnt care if they are poisonous or not. He instinctively knows something is sinister about each one. He is precautions and on his toes when encountering >any< snake without prejudiced or being taught. His God given instincts tell him something is definitely wrong with a snake.
Notice I emphasized a >good< yard dog. Some are dumb as dirt. I once had a pitbull dog named Buddy who fit in this category. I witnessed him, smell a copperhead nose to face, with snake in striking position, to only obtain a bite in the face. He definitely did not Fit into the >good< yard dog category, for my location. lol even after his head was twice the normal size   :shocked: :wink: lol.


Hi Folks,

It's a curse,... this reptile disfunction.



We used to have a cat that brought live snakes into the house and turn them loose. Often times my son would call my Judy when she was at work. She would ask what color is the snake. It was usually a black snake. A Black Racer.
She would tel him to see where it goes so that she could find it when she gets home.
We also had a cat that brought in live frogs and turn them loose. She taught our dog to catch them and take them back outside.
I was out to sea most of the time so Judy had to learn how to deal with the critters by herself.
One day during a six month cruise, she was walking to the front door with 2 brown grocery bags in her arms. She heard what she thought was a cicada as she approached the door. Luckily the door was to the right and she saw a six foot rattle snake on the door step. She ended up trapping it with a pool net until a snake expert came and got it. She?s tough.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin

Terri Yaki

She is tough, congratulations.

Michael Bush

I have a friend who had a blue healer.  That dog always had a swollen face from rattle snake bites and there were always dead snakes in the driveway.  He got bit once and decided to dedicate his life to eradicating rattle snakes from the planet.
My website: en espanol:  auf deutsche:  em portugues:
My book:
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Ben Framed

Good dog! 😊
Blue Healers are tough! I have had Blue Healers. I started a topic here several years ago titled My Friend Tough.