Developing RNA to protect honeybees

Started by salvo, February 12, 2023, 11:29:19 PM

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I need to do some investigating on this RNA. Too tired right now to do it but it sounds interesting.
Jim Altmiller
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Ben Framed

Sounds sometime like Gomer Pyle described as one of those science fiction movies where, "a scientist was experimenting with something he had not ought too"

Bob Wilson

I am dubious also. Sounds like round two of an already failed experiment, which tries to solve the problem in single hives. Another continual application, which can't solve the ongoing issue.
I do feel bad, though, for the commercial beeks. I have little financially riding on the success or failure of my beeyard.


When will we humans figure out we need to leave nature alone and stop being so arrogant to think we can fix everything? Nature is immensely resilient of we let it do it's thing.
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