Memories of last year

Started by Occam, March 01, 2023, 10:37:45 PM

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Found these bees in my yard last year, the girls were collecting from some smooth sumac about 100feet from the hive. Could hear the sumac just buzzing with them. Funny thing is I ent and watched my hive and none of my girls were bringing sumac pollen (or I assume) nectar back. They're probably from a beek about a mile from me that has 30 it so hives




Thos one wasn't a bee im familiar with, I couldn't get a better picture but it had some blue one it as well and was a little smaller than the other bees. At least not a well focused picture, I might have one that's a little out of focus
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Great pictures, especially that little cutey in the last one!  Not a lot to go on for an ID in that photo, but the bee appears to be carrying her pollen on her legs, so probably not a Megachilid of any sort (a mason or leafcutter).  She's got some pretty big mandibles on her though.  I saw my first native bees this week, the first male carpenter of the season and a little green Agapostemon that was stuck in the house.  He might have come out of our firewood, but I'm not sure. 
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.


Thanks! I'll keep looking for another picture of that one, and yes, it had pollen bags too.
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