Follow the Bloom - 2024

Started by .30WCF, February 18, 2024, 11:58:08 PM

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Didn?t see this thread yet.

I?ve had maples and daffodils on bloom for about two weeks now. Looks like the peach and Bradford wont be far behind.

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Oy, you are right!  We were all kind of bad at Follow the Bloom last year, so let's all pledge to be better this year!  :grin:  I'll sticky it.

I've got some kind of pollen coming in, I assume it's maples and/or willows.  We don't have any on our property and I haven't been anywhere this past week to check.  Some daffodils are budded.  My pussie willow stick I planted last year has 3 buds and 1 little fuzzy kitten.  :cheesy:
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.

Bill Murray

The pear trees busted 2 days ago, my citrus are trying. And Im way behind on swarm prevention due to the weather.


Unusually warm right now waiting for the other shoe to drop and get another cold snap. That said I've been seeing daffodils on south facing slopes of hills, tulip leaves are coming up in my flower bed, clover is turning thick and green with a couple flowers I saw in a customer's yard last week. Today I saw that some of the Bradford pears are opening buds. Not full flowers but only a couple days away from that
Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity


Pear trees are blooming here also, Willow trees are buzzing with bees.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


Maples are fully open and have been for maybe 2 weeks.  Today I was walking the dogs over at WCU and saw honey bees all over some ornamental cherries they planted last year after finishing some new dorms.  The tulip magnolias are about to start too.
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.


Bees are making honey, they are all over a yellow vine flower. The willow tree nectar is slowing down.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin

Bill Murray

QuoteBees are making honey, they are all over a yellow vine flower. The willow tree nectar is slowing down.
Jim Altmiller
So were going to see exactly how bad Carolina Jasmine is for bees. This will be better than a University study.

Actually they might be cats claw because the bees dont visit the Carolina Jasmine that is near any of my yards.

The reason I say this is I actually dont know how to tell the difference between them.



I had a white jasmine bush 50 feet from my apiary in Jacksonville with up to 20 hives. It filled the entire area with a sweet smell. The bees never touched it.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin

Bob Wilson

Early spring trees are blooming in middle Georgia. Red Maples for 3-4 weeks now. Here is a peach blossom from today.


Peach blossoms on my tree are spent. Dandelions, hyacinths, forsythia are all going
Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity

Bob Wilson

Pear trees are spent.
Cherry is coming in.
Buford and Nellie R Stevens hollies are coming in.
Clover is all in our lawns now.


Lots of Holly and clover around the house here.

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We are expecting a hard freeze tonight, which will probably kill all our blooms!  :cry:
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.


Same here. Well, 31 forecasted, so it could go either way, but if I was a betting man. . .

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Then you guys have a chance at scraping by.  We are expecting 25F.  :sad:
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.

Michael Bush

20 F this morning.  I think in town a few of the hardier bulbs are blooming, like crocuses and maybe daffadils.  Nothing out where I live except maybe red maples on warm days.
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


Well, it wasn't as bad as it could have been.  The tulip magnolias took a pretty bad hit, but the cherries and pears seem to have come through pretty well. 
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.


Yeah. Ours wasn?t bad at all. I mean fire in the wood stove for sure, but I think the trees made it.  Another little potential threat on this coming Sunday, then we should be in the clear, however I have spent some chilly mornings in the Turkey woods. That?s still about 3.5 weeks away.

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Terri Yaki

I'm hoping that my neighbor's hive made it. They had a lot of brood going and now we're getting a cold snap. My understanding is that the cluster will freeze themselves to death in an effort to keep the brood warm.