Beekeeping carts

Started by Michael Bush, March 12, 2024, 10:09:12 AM

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Michael Bush

Brushy Mountain Beekeeping Cart

This is the Brushy Mt (RIP)  cart. I added the perforated angle iron rack on the front so I can haul six empty boxes around without them sliding off. I also added the bolt to the stop so I can move it when it's empty. Unfortunately I'll have to drill another hole for the pin if I want to haul 8 frame boxes with it.

Mann Lake Beekeeping Cart

Here's the rack on the Mann Lake beekeeping cart. Again, so I can haul six empty boxes across the pasture without them falling off. The pin in the hole at the top is used too, to keep the boxes from tipping forward when you pick them up. I had to lower the axle by adding the angle iron on top here so it would slip into a medium and pick it up without fighting with it tipping forward. I also had to cut off some of the angle iron on the bottom so it wouldn't catch in the grass. I seem to use this one the most because you can just slide into a stack of boxes and pick them up. More recently I bent the main handle so I don't have to bend over so far to lift them off the ground.

This one, by the way, was invented by beekeeper Jerry Hosterman of Arizona. I've seen some of his work that are obviously older than Mann Lake's.

Walter T. Kelley Beekeeping Cart aka "Nose Truck"

Here's the classic Walter T. Kelley "Nose Truck" designed for beekeeping. It requires some kind of bottom board, preferably with some cleats on the end, to act as a pallet. It's heavy duty and will haul six FULL supers. I did no modifications on it.

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