The state of Oregon. Shutting down small farmers..

Started by Jim134, March 27, 2024, 06:12:52 AM

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 Oregon shutting down small Farmers. Of all kinds. Sounds like a bunch of Nazi's to me.  :angry:

BEE HAPPY  Jim134   :smile:

"Tell me and I'll forget,show me and I may  remember,involve me and I'll understand"
        Chinese Proverb

"The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways."
John F. Kennedy
Franklin County Beekeepers Association MA.


Misguided approaches are always thus. Reminds me of the quote from Bill Mollison

"The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter."

Government agencies (read unelected officials) enacting regulations with very broad definitions are a means of controlling the populace making it difficult to live within the law. They may not come down on you right away but will when it suits them or when you speak out and are a nuisance.
Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity

Terri Yaki


I don't have time to watch the video but I know the story.  They want to make people who irrigate to grow food for sale, even at farmers markets, get water rights permits.  Getting a permit can take over a year.    The rule has kind of been on the books for a long time, but not applied to small places and backyard farms.  There's also some rate of use stuff in there and I don't remember the specifics.

A few years ago, they wanted to charge everyone on a well.  Not sure how they were going to do that. 

The idea is to mitigate the impact of groundwater depletion, which is a real thing.  The problem is that we have a far left state government and they don't use common sense when they apply laws like this.  Or maybe they are thinking it through and just get squirrely about people being able to feed themselves?
Anyway, water flowing and in the ground belongs to the people in Oregon.  It is regulated for the good of the people by the government that loves you!

Here is the Oregon water rights pdf if anyone wants to dig through it.

The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


  If you have listened to the youtube video.. You would have heard a couple of things.. That maybe you did not know.. Their state is flying drones all but people's houses and property.. Also have your neighbors turn people in... I'm lonely riding around country roads.. If you have more than one half acre for garden.. You are an attempt of this ordinance. If you have a crushed floor made of stone. Or any kind of solid for.. You are contempt of this ordinance.. You might get away with one goat or one cow.. And a handful of chickens... Or ducks.. I think you would be lucky to you could have one horse.. Also it covers pigs and goats.. That's my take on this video.
Yes you can get around these laws if you are willing to spend a hundred thousand dollars.. Supposedly to catch the rainwater that runs off.That is polluted.

   BEE HAPPY  Jim134  :)
"Tell me and I'll forget,show me and I may  remember,involve me and I'll understand"
        Chinese Proverb

"The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways."
John F. Kennedy
Franklin County Beekeepers Association MA.


QuoteIf you have listened to the youtube video

I'll go back and read the law.  I think it was supposed to be applied to people using water to grow/raise for sale.  It's a pretty old law.  I would not be at all surprised to find it is being applied broadly because that's what happens with these laws.  I also don't know if it has been updated from the original.

I am not in favor of the law, I just know it exists and am broadly familiar with it because I have water rights on one of my properties, but not from a well.  I have kept an eye on the well proposals because that would impact my home.
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859

Ben Framed

Thanks for posing this Jim 134. I might be mistaken but even in 'The former Soviet Union', 'as bad as it was', folks were allowed to raise their own food as well as others if they chose? Apparently 'Life", 'Liberty', and the 'Pursuit of Happiness' is not recognized in this woke society? Nor any part of the Declaration of Independence that they chose to ignore? Nor the laws of our land expressed in our Constitution? Aren't those which are implementing these Unconstitutional 'DECREES'', which are trampling on the rights of our Citizens, the very 'enemies' of OUR Constitution???  The very Constitution 'they' have sworn to uphold and protect? 'If so', what does that make these rogues?


   From what I understand... Many of these laws were rewritten..  Just recently.. And nothing was voted on by the people.. Sounds like the government wants full control . Of your food supply. At least in Oregon .. I'm just wondering what states will.. Follow the lead of Oregon ?? Also looks like the state of oregon is going to put water meters on your private wells.. So you will use only five hundred gallons a day.. Or five thousand gallons if you're commercial... This will be the end of small organic farms in my opinion.. In the state of oregon.. Which pass laws people did not even vote for  :angry: :angry:

     BEE HAPPY Jim134   :smile:
"Tell me and I'll forget,show me and I may  remember,involve me and I'll understand"
        Chinese Proverb

"The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways."
John F. Kennedy
Franklin County Beekeepers Association MA.


QuoteSo you will use only five hundred gallons a day.. Or five thousand gallons if you're commercial

It was proposed some years ago and didn't get far.  We should be a little careful about getting our info from youtube.  After all, those sites are after clicks so not always so accurate.

This particular alarm about water rights is justified though.  It has never been applied in the way it is now being applied.  Hopefully, attention to it makes a difference.  Most of Oregon is still rural even if it is often run by the clumpers in Portland. 
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


 People from the state can go on your private property and put water meters on your private well.. Fly Aircraft man or unman. Over your property.. Possibly for you doing something wrong.. Sounds very much like. Breaking the fourth amendment of the United States constitution to me.

   BEE HAPPY  Jim134   :smile:
"Tell me and I'll forget,show me and I may  remember,involve me and I'll understand"
        Chinese Proverb

"The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways."
John F. Kennedy
Franklin County Beekeepers Association MA.


It kinda sucks, but the airspace above your property is basically considered "public". Even if you have a peeping Tom neighbor flying one over your hot tub, you get in trouble if you send birdshot its way. I suppose a ski mask might help?
In most States, you have a right to reasonable use of water that flows through or is under your property ... apparently not in Oregon?
Avatar pic by my oldest daughter (ink and watercolor)


  You can find quite a few.. Different youtube version with videos similar to this.. Do you believe they're all wrong?

        BEE HAPPY  Jim134    :smile:
"Tell me and I'll forget,show me and I may  remember,involve me and I'll understand"
        Chinese Proverb

"The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways."
John F. Kennedy
Franklin County Beekeepers Association MA.


Too clarify... the information in the video actually covered two things, redefinition of the standards for CAFOs (condoned animal feeding operations) as well as the water rights issue. And of course they're available outside youtube if you search for them. Yes some YouTube channels use click bait, so does every need website.

The good news is the state backed down and reverse course on the CAFO  definition and regulation after public outcry and support of the farmers.
Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity

Ben Framed

> The good news is the state backed down and reverse course on the CAFO  definition and regulation after public outcry and support of the farmers.

Good and in my opinion, the good people of the State should remember what these officials tried to pull, making sure to vote them out next election. ,


Agreed. However it's the state ag department that did this, it's an unelected agency as far as I understand. But they need to vote people in that will fight for them against overreach
Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity

Terri Yaki

The bad news is that that was just the first attempt, they'll try again later.


Quote from: Terri Yaki on March 29, 2024, 05:28:34 AM
The bad news is that that was just the first attempt, they'll try again later.

  To me it looks like.. Someone's trying to make. The acreage of small farms not so valuable... And possibly put in housing developments or golf courses or God knows What... This definitely is not about water.. It looks like it's about power and money...  Time to set voting. These crooks outhat. There are in politics...

       BEE HAPPY  Jim134   :smile:
"Tell me and I'll forget,show me and I may  remember,involve me and I'll understand"
        Chinese Proverb

"The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways."
John F. Kennedy
Franklin County Beekeepers Association MA.


Definitely important to keep the pressure on. They only reversed course in enforcing the rule, didn't actuatlly get rid of it.
Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity


The biggest problem with getting rid of these politicians is that the cities have more people than the rural areas do. They could care less about small farmers. Most of NY state wants to separate from NY city and some of their other cities for basically the same reason. They have different values than the city folks.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin

Terri Yaki

Calling what they have 'values' is being too kind.