visiting a commercial beeyard

Started by pdmattox, July 13, 2006, 10:56:01 PM

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Tomarrow i will be spending the day at a commercial beekeepers bee yard helping out and hopefully learning alot.  I will take some pics and post how it all goes.


sweet, let us know how it goes.  if you get really bored this fall, you're welcome to come down and play in the bees down here :D


I will definately take u up on that.


woot! can't wait.  i love working bees with other people who really enjoy it as well.  i'll try to remember to post when I get back down for the fall, but if I forget, zip me an email to steven<at> around Sept 1.  I should be back down for good by then.

ps replace <at> with @ for my email.  i only put that in to keep bots from placeing my address on their spam lists :S


Hey Present, are you near the tampa bay area?  I'm always looking for more bees to "play" with!