how to start a

Started by pembroke, July 14, 2006, 05:16:23 PM

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new hive from an established hive. This hive is a strong hive.??? When is the best time to split in my area [central KY]? how do you go about it and with what [brood box and frames, bottom board, inner cover and top]?would like to have new NWC queen to go with new hive. WHO do you recommend to order from and WHY?? Anything else you can think of will bee appreciated. Thanks.   Pembroke



   If you are searcching for good NWC queens you may try tim at honeyrun apiaries thats where i got my queen from he will be back in town on the 17th and you may contact him then they are $14.50 plus $4.50 for shipping but mine came in great shape thats what i am trying to requeen that mean hive with hope this helps.
