Should i put another super on

Started by tom, August 03, 2006, 11:50:03 PM

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   I have my big i that has only two frmes left to fill out the last time i took a look. But when i looked the bees were hanging on the frames like a chain and i think they all have gone into winter mode because they are filling the brood nest up with pollen and honey and my queens has stopped laying except in my third hive. I was thinking of adding another super on but i was wondering do i put it between the two deeps or put it on top. I read somewhere that if i put it in the middle they would draw it out and start filling it outwith honey could this work.


Brian D. Bray

From what I;ve heard on the news it is more likely that your area is experiencing a temporary dearth due to the hot weather.  It is not unusual for bees to act like wintering bees in such a situation.  There is a good chance that the bees will get back to normal when the weather changes into more normal conditions and/or a honey flow occurs.
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I just had a slowdown recently because its been so hot and dry.  We had one day or two of HEAVY rains and they seem to be starting earlier now again and off somewhere.  They were filling frames with pollen, but now they are bringing back loads of some nectar.  This is my first year so its interesting to watch how the weather affects them and Im still getting used to the flows in my area.