2nd deep not full....what should I do...?

Started by SteveSC, August 30, 2006, 02:27:24 PM

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I'm using double brood boxes on my hives.  I have 2 hives that don't have the second deep drawn out and\or full of honey.  Should I leave the second box on and wait to see if they can finish it before the weather turns or should I force the bees down with an escape.....?

I'm thinking I should wait awhile and see what happens before making a move.  If they don't fill it up I shouldn't leave it on or is there a % full that is acceptable...?  I don't want them to have to try to heat any empty area this winter.   What do should I do ...?  Thanks.

Brian D. Bray

If, after mid-September the hives are still in the same condition then feeding them would be called for so that they can finish drawing combs and building stores.  
There should still be another small flow between now and then so not all is lost.  They still have time to get-r-done.
I would not recommend over wintering with less than the equivalent of 1 full deep plus 1 full medium, regardless of your location within the 50 states.
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Thanks Brian...  I'll wait till mid to late Sept..  Sept. is normally our warmest month.  Maybe the weather and with another flow  they'll still have time to finish it up.....


steve, sometimes our fall flow can go into the first of october, I would wait also......

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