Interesting SHB observation

Started by denart, September 27, 2006, 10:13:17 AM

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Two evenings ago I was at my hive because I was remodeling my workshop. Working past dark because after work not much daylight left this time of year. Anyway that is why I happened to be out near my hive so late in the evening.
At dusk.....I mean sun is down, 10 mins to dark. I walked over to my hive to take a look. Evenings are getting cool here mid 60 degrees. As i watched, only maybe 20 bees sitting on the entreance board, a big difference from just two weeks ago.
Here is what I saw........every few seconds a SHB would come flying to the hive, lite and sneak in Hmmmm ????? got me to wondering.
Yesterday evening, I went out at the same time to see if the same thing was happening....and it was.
I am wondering why?
Since I have never seen this during daylight..... #1 could it be that SHB do their traveling at night
#2 could the beetles booted or harrassed out of the hive during the day find a dark place to hide and return during the night
I don't think I have a problem in the hive....I do have SHB...but do the best I can to controll them....I will go into the hive this weekend to have a look
Just a interesting observation I thought I would pass along and wondering if others have seen the same thing.
Make a plan...BUT....Don't plan the outcome---life seldoms works out just as we want it...I gaurantee you will sleep better
A very dear old friend of mine once told me " life is life and it ain't half bad if you dont fight it "
Make a plan...BUT....Don't plan the outcome
Life is life and it ain't half bad if you dont fight it

Brian D. Bray

Since wax moths invade a hive at night when there is little activity and few guard bees it only makes sense that SHB would do the same.  A burglar hits a house when it's empty or the occupants are alseep.
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