Starting up - Need Help..?

Started by Santec, October 14, 2006, 05:51:38 PM

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Hi to all,

Ok I’m brand new to beekeeping. Like Shultz, “I know nothing”.
I decided to give it a try because as a child my father kept bees, pigeons and a number of other flighted as well as flightless critters, much to the chagrin of my mother.
In any event I recall the hives he kept as being of great fascination and now in my early retirement I have more time and free energy then good sense. So as I said I’m going to give it a try.
As has been the event every year for the past several I have two feral hives in very close proximity to each other, just a foot or two. They are definitely separate hives as one is in an old wooden storage box and the other is in the wall of a work shed. I was able to move closely around the area and look between the two and could see no connection. As I was not killed by the bees when I was inspecting them, although they definitely where excited I’m presuming they are not Africanized. So I’m interested in attempting to collect both hives in tact and then placing them into workable hives in my back yard. Where do I start, what should I buy, build and/or collect. Any assistance and direction would be greatly appreciated.




just so you know, i would be glad to help you, but i'm still to new in keeping to give advice to complete newbies. i mean i do know the answer to quite a few bee questions, but still. and anyway, it's better you get advice from someone local (read-same continent). anyhow, just want to give you the impression you are in the right  place for advice. and sry for a bunch of blah blah :lol:


I live in Los Angeles not to far from you probably I would like to look at
your two hives and I could help you out

send me a email with your phone number
:D  :D  :lol:
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon



I thank you for your reply. I will defiantly be in contact with you as I progress with my hive(s). It will be interesting to compare our experiences in comparison from one continent to the other.

Best luck and rewards to you.


Brian D. Bray

I bet I'd have liked your Dad, sounds like my kind of person.  I have bees, pigeons, chickens and other flying and flightless critters too.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


Welcome to the forum and good luck with your new hives