Northern Beekeeping Question

Started by nepenthes, October 21, 2006, 04:43:49 PM

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For you guys up north.

Do you recomend I have 2 brood boxes (2 large supers for the brood development), or do I just need 1 brood box?

"I have never wished to cater to the crowd, for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know." - Epicurus.

Michael Bush

Two deeps; or three mediums; or three or four eight frame mediums; is about right for a strong Italian colony.  Less for a Carniolan or a feral colony.
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I would recommend at least 2.   I run with unlimited brood chamber, and with a good queen, 3 deeps is not uncommon.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison

Brian D. Bray

My standard setup is 4 medium 8 frames which is the equivalent of 2 deep 10's.   I have never heard of anywhere in the USA (Including Alaska) that requires more than the equivalent of 2 deep 10's for wintering over.  Some might prefer 3 deeps or even 5 mediums but it's not required.
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Quote from: Brian D. BrayI have never heard of anywhere in the USA (Including Alaska) that requires more than the equivalent of 2 deep 10's for wintering over.

The question wasn't for overwintering.    

BTW, Dave Erye (DE Hive developer) recommends winter in 3 deeps and claims no winter losses in 15 years.  Although he is in Canada, and not the USA,  his climate is no worse than Alaska.

I personally winter with 2, but some years (like last winter) you really need to watch them and feed.  I found a couple of hives this past April that where starving.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison

Dick Allen

The bees seem to like having brood in two boxes. One box can get crowded quickly and then about half your bees are looking to relocate.  I use one box when making comb honey, otherwise it's two.


OK thanks i guess im going in the right direction.

thanks for the clarification!
"I have never wished to cater to the crowd, for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know." - Epicurus.

Michael Bush

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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin



this queen excluder thing is getting on my nerves... If I have 2-3 brood boxes will they ultimatlystay in these three brood boxes and make stores in the honey supers? :?
"I have never wished to cater to the crowd, for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know." - Epicurus.

Michael Bush

>this queen excluder thing is getting on my nerves... If I have 2-3 brood boxes will they ultimatlystay in these three brood boxes and make stores in the honey supers?

There is no guarentee that bees will do anything.  But if you have some drone comb in the brood nest, so the queen isn't looking for a place to lay drones, they will keep the brood nest consolidated.  If the queen needs room, why wouldn't you want her to lay where she can instead of swarm?

Queens are not looking to lay all over the place, they want a consolidated nest.

Why do you care if she DOES lay in the supers?  If you really want to be sure she doesn't use the excluder.  If they don't want to cross it, take it out.  They are handy to have around anyway.

I wouldn't use it.
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