Started by rosey, November 08, 2006, 01:02:11 PM

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Glad to see you post again, it has been a long while. I found these videos at youtube a few weeks ago and found them a bit humorous and also entertaining. I'm the proud owner of a new super mini hi-def camcorder (size of a soda can - really) and I'll be doing videos for both here and youtube - so keep your eyes open :)

Here is a short film (not edited but compressed pretty heavily of me at the Hindenburg memorial (largest airship to ever fly) which crashed about 1 mile from my home in 1937. The footage should only take a few minutes with a faster connection

Realplayer and Media player both play these!!!

Hope to put out 4 to 5 minute bee videos when the weather warms. I lost my Mother just 6 weeks ago and dealing with that and trying to close all the endless pieces of mail that comes to her has (not to mention dealing with the final issues of estate probate) has ruined my chances of video-taping in the Fall. But come Spring, I hope to have a group of short tutorals to help spot queens, inspect hives, install packages (even if I need to rob a hive and phoney a package up (the magic of movies - lol) and so many topics.

I'd love to also see more people as the migrate from still to video-cams do the same, we could all learn from seeing other members doing there beekeeping their way. Especially people around the globe in our wonderful members of the INTERNATIONAL FORUMS.

Come back more often, once ever a year is a shame - I'd love to know how you nade out with the dead bees, did you get credit from the post-office (who likely killed them, either by inexperience) or like a horror story I read recently where some fool sprayed bug spray to kill off the few hitch-hikers hanging on the outside of the shipping cages.

Please visit soon, every member is a treasure we all get to share.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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