Bitter Honey observation.

Started by mick, December 04, 2006, 12:32:01 AM

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I am slowly working my way through the frames I have pulled, I have another 4 to remove from the hive then I can wait a while.

Its interesting the different weights of the frames. It seems to me that you can tell they have been collecting from different sources in different times. I am trying to keep it seperate if I can.

I too have some really dark almost black honey that has a bitter aftertaste. I have to do some research on what they could be feeding on.

I reckon the bitter stuff will be good for making those biscuits with cornflakes and nuts in em.


Here we get bitter honey from cassava (Manihot esculenta) flowers. Although cassava is grown for their root tubers and propagated by stem cuttings, some cassava do flower which have nectar.


Hey great to see someone from Nigeria posting! I know of the casava, I think they use it as a staple in New Guinea! Thanks for the info and hope to hear from you again Empilolo!