Bees coped with 112F better than I did.

Started by mick, December 11, 2006, 04:58:09 AM

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Well Finsky would be proud of me.

Having removed all the stored honey from the top super and replacing with new frames, the bees did not beard at all over the weekend. Since it has cooled down and the smoke has cleared, they are not as testy as they were. Yesterday one bit me and I was no where near he hive. It may have been attracted to my sweat, I dont know, but it got me on the leg.

I said "what did you do that for you silly bugger", then watched it fry on the concrete and the ants ate it.


Well well. How big are your hives now? How many boxes brood and supers?

How many hives you have? I read that Australians have difficulties to sell honey.


Ahh Finsky, no probelm selling honey here, dunno where that came from. I still only have one hive. I do not own this house, so moving more than one hive would be very hard. It is 3 full depth 8 frame supers high.