Man's Evolution

Started by beemaster, December 17, 2006, 06:18:59 PM

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NOTE: this is a thread I got writing from a post about the TV Mini-series called the LOST Room, but it talks about where we are and heading in our growth as a species

We are all curious about what is beyond our 5 senses that we are taught exist. Anyone I have ever heard who claims to be "Gifted" says that we all have psychic powers, but we are channeled (no pun intended) into thinking our gifts stop at sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. If only we were encouraged to keep our imaginary friends as children and if only we had the insight that dogs and cats do, we would indeed be more tuned it to the remarkable parts of the Universe that we are so separated from because of our upbringing.

But there is a cry-out for television that shows the possibilities - although much of it is babble, so much is possible when we allow it to happen. And now that we are allowing ideas that are out-side the box, even under the guise of entertainment - I believe it is opening the minds of many people that we are not alone in this mortal plain, we are surrounded by loved ones and knowledged in events (never forget Woman's Intuition" as a real and physical thing.

I'm just a firm believer that humans are capable of unlimited greatness and unimaginable horror - the difference is in the soul of the person using the skills for good or evil. We can dream of something today and tomorrow have a working version, we can set our minds to greatness and succeed beyond the initial creations we dreamed of - nothing is impossible, it only takes a mild break-though and an avalanche of technology will always follow.

Back to the LOST ROOM - I have used Window's Media Center Edition for nearly a year - I scroll through the on-screen guide (roughly 2 weeks of listings ahead of time) and click on anything that interests me. I then forget about it, not paying any attention unless it tells me a CONFLICT of SCHEDULING occurs - then I'll choose which I want to record and again, forget about the show.

Each day, I open Media Center and click on the recorded show listing - I'm always pleasantly suprized at what was captured, often I forget about a show that I highlighted for recording and there it is ready to watch at my opertunity. What a magical option (very much TIVO for the PC) but the image quality is supurb and the ability to skip through commercials can often reduce the time it takes to watch a show by 20 to 25 percent - wow!

I rarely watch TV on their schedule, maybe flip channels and watch educational stuff that usually would conflict with stuff that I otherwise would be a slave to. I have about 30 programs in my record series list, plus an always changing number of one-time movies or specials.

As more and more Sci-Fi and supernatural stuff fills the air-ways, it becomes obvious that humans enjoy these programs and I believe it is because we are in a developmental stage in history where we are crying out for the TRUTH - is there stuff out there our govermments are afraid to tell us, assuming mass panic, have we been visited many many times and whether or not exagerating, do these abductees or observers have a sub-story that is filled with truth?

A guess or a theory more precisely is that we are evolving as a species. Every few hundred thousand or so years, humanoid creatures find a need to adapt to the changing world and we evolve ever so slightly. Sometimes, a whole new species pops up seemingly over-night as Homosapian did, leaving previous man-like beings in a blood-bath to exstiction. That surely could happen to us, either the childred will someday look and think differently than their parents, or during puberty a whole new dynamically different creature could over-take us as we sleep. This is not a whacked idea of what could happen, but more likely a sample of what would happen if evolution itself is a BIG-BANG of physical adaptation: all creatures must adapt or perrish, no matter what the cost.

I've never understood how theology and evolutionist have trouble understanding that evolution COULD be part of God's design. Afterall, who better than God to design millions of species ALL capable of adapting to eviromental changes? I don't think that science alone can answer such miraculous things.

Man, I know this is a strange thread, but I'm at work and writing often helps my night go by much faster. I just think that the more advanced we become, the closer to understanding the Big-Picture should become too. We can see billions of years into the past with both land based and space based telescopes, the further we go the more we realise that the great voids of space fill into something called Dark Matter, which is literally thought now to compromise a minimum of 80% of all the Universe. Dark Matter even has weight and mass and all objects with mass have gravational pull, thus Dark Matter itself (an invisible and immeasurable presence) has effects on everything throughout the Universe, moving solar flairs in odd directions as they shoot from our own Sun and countless others. Someday, when Dark Matter is fully understood, it could be a missing piece toward FAST space travel, equaling or surpassing (Einstein said nothing CAN PASS) the speed of light.

The fact is, we cannot get THERE from HERE, even a trip to Mars requires a radiation proof vessle, nine months to get there, 18 months there while the planets realign for the shortest return trip AND nine months home. That's 3 years just to go to our nearest neighbor, a likely candidate for the origin of life on Earth, but long dead (at least on the surface).

A trip to distant start groups where we know planets surround these Suns could take literally ten thousand years at conventions speed, and many light-years at the speed of light, which I have never heard anyone state they have viable theories on doing. I spend a lot of time listening to the most knowledged people in space exploration on several pod-casts and everyone agrees the only way is for THEM to find us, not the other way around This means (as we all need to agree on) that we are infants in the world of technology. It doesn't mean they are genetically a longer lived society, although that may be true - it more likely means that they think differently than we do or/and have different raw material than we do. We look at the periodic table and swear that this is the stuff that everything in the Universe is made of - I think that assumes a whole lot of bologna.

We are coming into some strange cycles now, our solar system is bunching up together around 2012, but more importantly, we are in a galactic cycle where large clusters of galaxies are grouping to gether along our sector of the Universe. Imagine a huge gravational collective assembling in a relatively single spot in the Universe, gathering as it must have done cyclically a few million times before - the difference of course, we are around THIS TIME to observe and feel the effects if there are any.

Those who beoieve in the end-date of December 21, 2012 (the Mayan Calendar's last chistled date in their rock calendar) see it NOT as an end time, but generally as an AWAKENING to the NEXT PHASE of HUMANITY - a rebirth of spiritual Consciousness and a time of GREAT growth in the mindset of man. I do not fear that date, I welcome it and ponder what it has in store for us all. As with everyone else here, 2012 is just a blink away and I wish us all to be here on that date in December to see what and if anything miraculous occurs.

I think the Earth is sick of war and death, I believe Earth is a living and breating entity that needs to purge itself of the evil that flows across its surface. Humans can cohesively inact a powerful force intent on weening the bad and propagating goodness, but the fight of good against evil has always been faught and still is today on all corners of the Globe. We cannot continue to polute the Earth as we have done, wisely in the US we have made GREAT STRIDES to improve all this over the last 4 decades, meanwhile China has an INDUSTRIAL GROWTH unheard of in all man's history.

I have heard numbers of 70 to 100 TIMES the expansion of industry relative to the US at its most polutive state. The amount of polutants that now fill the atmosphere from China is the stuff that makes Global Warming Theorist cringe as it should all of us.

I still believe that we are going into a cycle, heading toward another Ice Age after a warming that will be obvious to much of the world, but not as obvious to other places.

It is like the difference between RECESSION and DEPRESSION: A Recession is when YOU NEIGHBOR is out of work, a DEPRESSION is when YOU are out of work. That is true with Global Warming too. Unless you are directly effected, you may not believe it is happening. My only thought and I believe it to be true is that Earth may have been through thousands or even millions of Global Warming Cycles, there just wasn't any record keepers to show the true cyclical nature of the events.

Which leads my to think of ICE CORE SAMPLES and CARBON DATING and there accuracy - there surely is no way to prove that 1)compression of ice is uniform enough to predict events like Rings on a tree or 2) that Carbon degrades so accurately that a million years ago it was as stable as it is now.

A good example, imagine a clay pot dug up from a ruin and carbon dated at 100BC. Sounds good, now ask that scientist what the clay pot is made up of and he/she says various soils, clays or material natural to the area. Then ask HOW OLD is the soil and clay used to make the pot and he claims MILLIONS OF YEARS OLD. I see a strong contradiction in something pinpointed within a few years of 2000 years old and the material it is molded from that is millions and possibly billions of years old - the material is the same.

We live in a world where weather forecasters evacuated Houston, Texas at the threat of a major hurricane shortly after New Orleans was devasted - meanwhile, Houston was spared and more people were in the path of the actual weather the further they moved North of the city. We patiently await a 10 day forecast on the weather channel, meanwhile they say it is terrencial down-pours in your area and a quick look out the window proves it to be sunny. MAy is not a good judge at predicting the future, they rarely get the past right, yet we still depend on those who supposedly understand things better than we do for answers.

I think soon we will find the answers within, not externally. Media with be for entertainment and not for news as it is today. Soon, we will have a shift in thinking and it will be from a developed inner skill that we find the answers - and man will finally know the voice of God.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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“There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus”
Blaise Pascal

perhaps since man insists on rejecting god and scriptural beliefs, he feels the need to fill that void with other forms of spiritualism.  no society or time in history has ever existed with out some "god(s)" belief system.

as for the weather....i'll buy global warming when someone can accurately tell me what the weather is going to be like next week.  the earth has been hotter, and has been colder.  man and animals have adapted.  if Greenland becomes a tropical paradise, my kin can trot up there and raise bananas.  i'm sure they'll work it out.  i figure that with one good super volcano, we are all back to the ice age........ :evil:
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


people find things to replace that emptyness inside them be it Spirituality, or earthly physical things they can touch.
"I have never wished to cater to the crowd, for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know." - Epicurus.


could also be that the government is colluding with the tv industry to prime us to accept "1st contact"!   8-)
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859



I started to get into that point, surely weening us into it is the smart way - desensitizing us is the only solution except total immersion. I do believe most people would welcome contact with beings of a friendly, scientific nature - space explorers like us. It is the fear of too many Sci-Fi movies from the Blob to Predators that scare us into thinking all creatures beyond our own world are hostile.

Surely if other races exist, warring races are as likely as any other, but it seems to me that to be warriors requires a belief or knowledge that other species exist besides themselves. Being armed for bear is fine, unless but you need to know bear exist first - logically thinking.

I know some people may think I live in a fantasy world when it comes to thoughts of alien life - I believe I live in a incalculably massive Universe where statistically anything is possible. We don't need to go far to see creatures of unimaginable shape and size, just go to a aquarium or watch videos taken from dep sea - these unearthly like creatures are the stuff fantasy can't even conjure up.

Wouldn't it be interesting if the Aliens were already here, and we call the Giant Sea Squids or other rarely seen but proven creatures. Could whales be telepathic creatures sending deep-space messages back to some distant home planet? One never knows, but sometime the truth is right before us, like the bunny in a magic act - he's in that hat NO MATTER how empty it appears :)
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.


  If there is one creature on this planet that is NOT evolving it is man. Man alone has the "knowledge" to fight disease, keep alive the mentally and physically defective, and move across the face of the planet with ease. Evolution reguires that the defective genes be removed from the gene pool.
   For centuries they believed the back fins of a dolphin were vestiges left from a bygone age. Until dolphins started to appear, this year, with extra ventral fins.  Are these throw backs or the result of evolution?
  Man is an arrogant creature that many feel is the ultimate creation. They feel that science has killed God and replaced it as the ultimate answer. And with that comes the idea that if man cannot do it, it cannot be done.
  Life is a common occurance in the universe. It has to be. If it happened here why not else where? There are countless variations and levels of advancement.
  Maybe at least one IS still evolving.

I was born about 100 years too early, or to late.


Ohh Boss, dont start me on Whales and Dolphins. One day we will be able to understand them.

I am convinced that submarine pulses and soundings are responsible for the modern phenomena of strandings on beaches. Unfortunatley, for obvious military reasons, this is a no-go area with the various nations that have submarines.

As an aside, earlier this year a beach walker snapped a sub surfacing off the west coast of Victoria (Australia) early one morning. It wasnt one of ours, which means it must have been one of yours!

Brian D. Bray

No offense John but you really need to practice writing with a word count maximum.  Word counts require efficiency and conciseness--saying the most with the least amount of words.  Such a tool can improve your communications skills considerably.  Long winded discourses are hard to read on a computer monitor.  They also have a tendency to ramble.
If you want an example read my columns at where each column is within a word or two of 500.  In the glow of the electronic media a word count of over 1000 starts to produce eye strain on the reader.  JFYI.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!



Sorry Brian:

My writing abilities, whether too long winded or not, is how I write. I'm not sure how breaking it up into a mini-series or haiku-ing it for the sake of brevity would improve it.

I break it up paragraphically, it isn't a continuous sentence and it covers many topics - I brainstorm like many 2D thinkers - the screen and keyboard are my friends.

Could I get to a point quicker, probably - but I have neither a goal or adgenda when it comes to writing. I am a little envious of people who can write condensed, a little. But surely that is not me, and I wouldn't change my style (even at the sake of losing readers) any more that I'd ask you to beef up your posts - honestly, it is not something that would come to mind.

The truth is, I start writing with an idea, and when I think it is covered in its entirety I stop - when a spell-check is handy (as it is not here) I do a spell-check to look a bit smarter, then post.

Sorry if I lose anyone because of my ramblings (just quoting the messenger) but I do what I can do with what I have, and it's worked really well for a very long time.

Peace :)

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.


John, in your defence (I know that you can handle things on your own!!!).  I think that there is nothing wrong with the length of John's post.  It does not take long to learn how to speed read, one can skim over things, or take the time and read things word for word.  John has an ability to impart his thoughts clearly and methodically.  I write like John,  I know where he is coming from and there is no way on the good green earth that I would want to take the time to not allow the fingers flow the words that come through the mind.  Try to edit the thoughts that flow before they are put on keyboard, monitor, paper, or what have you may, I don't think so, not my cup of tea.  If I tried to edit my thoughts before they ran down my arms, through my wrists and out the end of my fingers, I would have no thought left by that time.  Let the words flow....nothing wrong with it.  I don't paragraph too much, maybe I should, but I just want to get my thoughts out as quickly as I can without losing them.  Now, was this a little long-winded, too bad if it was, speed read through.  Great day.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


mick.....the  whale thing may or may not be because of sonar.  who can say what makes animals do a thing, or for how long they have been doing it?
here, at mt st helens, the elk have been dying off in droves...last winter was bad.  why did so many of them come to stay in a place with an inadequate food supply?  there were other places to go.  as usual, man has tried to figure out how to "save" them.  it occurs to me that nature gave that herd the instinct to re-establish itself after the volcano erupted.  the dying off is great fertilizer, and ensures that the strongest survive  (also to make great fertilizer of another kind!).  man need not always thing they are either the cause, or the salvation of a thing.  sometimes it just falls under the S.H. rule.

as for the sub....i do hope it was our:-).  not to many other folks you want popping up on your shores!!   :-D
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859

Brian D. Bray

John does seem to have a well organized thought process, which I wish I had.  I've had my brain scrambled too many times to think like that.  So I have to write and rewrite to it it right.  I strive for brevity because my eyes are going as blimpo as my mind.  Me mente no Trabajar.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


Just a thought (once again writing from work - where I'll be both Christmas Day and midnight New Years - ugh) I agree with Cindi on one major point - that is Abridging your writing - it is a very difficult thing to do. Much more effort is involved deleting content than creating it.

I noticed (not that it matters) I moved into the first place at STARTING NEW POSTS - this was not intentional and took a year to over-come BIG ROG (who is no longer active in the forum - I sure hope to hear from him again someday) but my goal has never been to out write whther number of posts or number of words - I'm just the guy with a little beekeeping experience offering a format for people who REALLY know what they are doing to help those who DON'T. In the grand scheme of things, you'll notice MOST of my posts are NOT beekeeping related, just a fact.

Thus the invent of the Coffee House and Darkside - I wanted a chance to write too  :roll:

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.


Quotethat is Abridging your writing - it is a very difficult thing to do.

i have just the opposite problem.  after many years of writing reports in bullet statements, i have a hard time writing a complete paragraph.  i also find that i have a hard time reading one.  i look for the "bullet" in the paragraph and often skip the other words.  most of the time this is not a problem, but i have been known to miss some important things..... :roll:
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859