Found two swarms in a old house

Started by tom, January 02, 2007, 08:54:44 PM

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Hello All

  I hope everyone had a wonderful new year mine is getting off on the right start. Today i was tols by a freind that there is a old house that is boarded up and that two swarms had built thier hive in the old windows and you can see them from the inside. So i am hoping that they will survive this winter so i can go and get them and put them into some hive bodies and bring them home this is a rare find around here. So if this is true i will have seven hives this spring all together and i will not let these two feral colonies die they will make a good edition to my carnioalns in the yard. From what my friend told me they are not mean and very gentle but i would like to remove them before the queen starts laying how should i go about this i wish i could get them now but i would have to feed them all winter but i did do what finsky said i took some drawn comb and filled them with syrup just in case one of mine run low on food by spring.



Thats a great find Tom, I am beginning to see why getting a swarm from nature is indeed a blessing in the Northern Hemisphere.