Used equipment

Started by wff, January 04, 2007, 02:30:38 PM

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I see lots of places where people are looking for or selling used equipment.  I also see some people selling nucs across state lines.  In Alaska it's illegal to import used equipment or bees on comb into the state.  Do other states have such laws and people ignore them, or is Alaska's law draconian?  How big of a risk do you think used equipment is?

Michael Bush

>How big of a risk do you think used equipment is?

If it didn't have AFB, none.  If it did, huge.  :)  But how do you know?  I buy it all the time and just use it, but I try to assess the seller and if they are honest about the problems and I look for scale in the brood combs (signs of AFB a long time ago).

Is it wise of me to use it?  I don't know, but I haven't had any problems.

Some states have laws about bees on combs, but most just require an inspection certificate from the state they came from.
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Personally, I'd be very careful about used frames, especially with comb. Selling nucs isn't the most ethical way to cycle out old comb, and when it comes time for me to sell nucs, I'll try and keep the comb within a couple seasons' age.

Boxes, lids and bottom boards aren't that big of a problem. Just clean and repaint the bottom boards, and scorch insides of lids and boxes. One tip I'm going to implement on 240 used boxes I recently bought is to skip the propane torch and borrow a large propane camp cooker stove. Supposed to be faster. Just watch those sleeves!

Might be a good idea to scrape residual wax first, too.

Lots of folks advocate dipping used woodenware in paraffin, but I'm not sure how that would prevent eventual release of AFB spores. Anybody care to explain?
Pocket Meadow Farm

Brian D. Bray

Parifin will eventually erode or ve worn away buy the bees so AFB spores will gradually see the light of day again.  The only sure way to eradicate the AFB spores is high heat, charring the wood with flame.
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In practice AFB needs a good dose of spores before larva becomes sick.  The level is well reached when nurser bees clean the AFB killed larva or pupa.

Bottoms, boxes cover are easy to clean with flaqme and stryfoam boxes with lye.

In Finnish-Swedish studies was shown that you are able to save your new combs when you wash old honey away and sterilize with them with water, then you sterilize combs with Virkon S solution.

I am found now that if you se the first brown AFB killed pupa in your brood area, it is better to move bees to clean combs.
Then let the rest brood emerge, take bees away and take off from use the frames.

In German they have noticed that AFB is in hives two years before symptoms with eyes is to be seen.

In Many Countries like with us the law is strickt. If authority gets evidence that there are spores in hives, often hives are burned or at least you cannot move them.

In our country authorities now make that bees are shaked into foundation hive. And old combs are taken awy from use. After foundation operation spores cannot be found.

Same with swarms. When you put swarm on foundations they will not show contamination even if sawrm is from sick hive.

What I tell: ABF is not so dangerous to move into hive. Most dangerous are old combs an old honey in combs.


I don't know about the laws here in california but a lot of bees come in and out of the state
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