tough swarm to get

Started by cjsscreen, June 01, 2004, 11:25:51 PM

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I went to get a swarm today (poorly prepared due to short notice and not much time to try to get it) the swarm was on the face of a concrete wall about 4ft from the ground with a chain link fence in front of it and an old dead tree about 2 inches in diameter intertwined in the fence.  I probably would have been done within 15 minutes if I had a bee vacuum but as it was the only thing I could come up with was to wash them down with a hose and scoop as many as I could up and put them in a 5 frame nuc.  I left the lid partially open and covered to provide some shelter if it rained.  Im hoping they will still be there tomorrow afternoon when I will return with a vacuum. If anyone has any other Ideas let me know


it worked I now have a swarm which will increase my hives to 6.  I finished my be vacuum and it worked great.  Didnt kill a single bee.   In case your wondering I got a little hand vacuum (rechargable kind) and a big water bottle and strainer to make my bee vac. there was an article in a recent bee magazine that gave me the Ideas.  Mine isnt exactly like theirs but the large bottle to reduce force on the bees once they are in bottle is the key.  also the fairly large strainer to spread the vacuum force at the source.  I do think I will lengthen the spout so that there is a longer vacuum tunnel for them to go down so that they dont try to fly back out.  also I can remove my vac from the bottle and feed the bees through the strainer and no chance of suffucation.  any questions let me know.  chris


Hi Chris,

I would like to see some photos of your contraption, I thing it would be a wonderfull piece of equipment to have in a bee keepers kit.

Do you remember what magazine you sore it in?

Beth Kirkley

Many of us would love to see pictures, more explaination with it, and the article you read. If it worked for you, I know I'd be interested in making one.



I will see if I cant get a picture online for your view.  the great part is I can remove the vacuum from the contraption as you call it and use it as designed when needed.  I dont remember if it was beeculture or bee journal I'll see if I can find it.  I will say mine is a little more simple.  I went to put some frames in that nuc that the bees had been in all day and found they had already started to build comb( about 4inches long by 1.5inches wide).  I use the nucs that betterbee sells so I can close it with the disc at the entrance and I staple the lid in place until I have it where Im going to keep it for awhile.  I enjoy all the interest and cant wait to go get a picture to put up.


Quote from: Markinaust
Do you remember what magazine you sore it in?

Bee Culture - January 2004

click image for larger view
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


thats it.  although I found that it is easier to see without that black funnel attached to the end and i made my vacuum detachable and I used a cordless vac.  I also didnt cut the bottle in half.  theirs is more professional looking mine is more convenient(My Opinion).


Hi Chris,

I find it remarkable that it works effectively sucking through such a large container, obviously it does but that is my initial thought. An absolutely brilliant concept.

